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Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 6, 2005
Views: 1467
ppsociety finally prove something

Oh boy! I can't believe it, I really, really, can't!

That stupid site - ppsociety has - has really lost the plot this time.
If you ever needed any proof that they are a bunch of total first class prize idiots, this is it.

DataTek, that well known idiot, has been following my progress proving that TK is not required to rotate the psi wheel or the straw.
As you all know, I have demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that the straw moves because of the effects of STATIC.
Data Less emailed more than once to say I was wrong, it couldn't possibly be static. He was very rude to me. Basically calling me stupid.

Now look at their Forums - Telekinesis Theories - My static/tk video.
Data Less has now been forced to concede that IT IS STATIC.

However, in a failed attempt to avoid looking really stupid, he now says... wait for it..... it is static, but the static is generated BY HIM DOING HIS TK!!! So he now claims that he was right!!!!!!

It is static, as I have said all along.
But it doesn't come out of your head Data Less, how the hell could it, its totally empty in there!
That much you have clearly demonstrated.

Dear ppsociety members,
What does it take to show you what a make believe fantasy world you all live in?
Just how dumb are you to accept an argument like Data Less has put up.

Please, none of you, do not ever again accuse me of having a closed mind, not after this, it will just make you look so bloody stupid.

Posted By: Dark_Mage

Posted On: Jan 6, 2005
Views: 1458
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

Fine, mabye Datatek was wrong...but you cant just say, Oh TK is false....yadda yadda yadda. You have to give me PROOF up front! I wont believe you..ever. I know that for a fact tk exist and you wont be able to change my mind about that either. You can say all the stuff you want and i really wont care. I know all about you. You remind me of a Aesop Fable "The Fox and the Grapes". Read up on it then come back. Oh yeah and great job on the site....i atleast have to give that to you....wasting so much time in your life making it. Oh well. You really need help. *Note* This doesnt relate to this topic alot but you really need SERIOUS help. You are just going to have to grasp the concept that somethings are real, Keith. Just accept that it is. Your just a mindless drone that has no goals in his life.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 7, 2005
Views: 1445
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

Thanks for your comments.
You so well represent all that is wrong with Tkers.

I was just wondering....
How long do you think it will be before Data Less agrees that it IS hot air that spins the psi wheel, and then says that the hot air is a by-product of his TK?

Any bets anyone?
Ho ho ho ho ho!
What a prick!

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Jan 7, 2005
Views: 1439
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

how can you say to keith,
"You are just going to have to grasp the concept that somethings are real"

like what? tk ? then you prove it, you are the ones saying that it exists ?

This isnt an attack at TKers BUT have you ever thought about reading up on quantum mechanics,Laws of Physics, etc, its taking a very long time with great scientists to have got where we are today, and coming out with great claims that you have powers that defies all this knowledge is disrespectfull and not very clever.

keith says it doesnt exist and he is PROVING that he can do what you do.

Your just saying it exists and you believe in it no matter what.

WHY do you have it?
WHY do only you have it?
DO i have it then?
HOW do you feel when your so called moving things?
WHAT might be causing it?
DOES your brain hurt when you do it?
IS there some chemical reaction thing going on?

and these are just basic questions that HAVENT been answered yet.

you cant just say you have it and expect the world to believe you, and if you dont want the world to believe you then WHY are you on here telling us it exists.

do some research.
ASK the qusetions WHY its happening and im sure even keith will talk nicely to you.

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Jan 8, 2005
Views: 1412
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

Hi Rob

I'll keep out of the beligerent battles of will between Keith and certain TKers.
But your post had some legitimate points, that I can try to address.
I don't claim to answer them perfectly, and I don't claim them as bulletproof.

Quote: [This isnt an attack at TKers BUT have you ever thought about reading up on quantum mechanics,Laws of Physics, etc, its taking a very long time with great scientists to have got where we are today, and coming out with great claims that you have powers that defies all this knowledge is disrespectfull and not very clever.]

Yes I have. Unfortunately, I'm never going to amount to a highly knowledgeable physicist without years of study. I believe I have studied enough to be objective about external physical forces

Are you suggesting that it's this disrespect that has caused animosity?
I don't believe that these abilities defy scientific knowledge - only that they cannot be explained without further investigation.
TK is *not* some amazing ability that completely disregards reality - it works *with* reality. I believe it to simply be an ability that will one day be understood and charted into science books.

Of course, thats just my belief.

Quote: [keith says it doesnt exist and he is PROVING that he can do what you do.]
Well Keith cannot disprove it, only leave it hard to believe (which it already is for most people)
And yes, he's proven that other external factors can look like TK. I'm not entirely sure what that proves in the long run, other than to be mindful of them.
I'm grateful for them in any case, as they show the different factors that it *could* be.

Quote: [Your just saying ists and you believe in it no matter what.]
I guess most of us have that mindset. I don't. All I know is I am able to do something that Keith's videos do not answer, for me at least.
For the moment, I call it TK.

Quote: [you cant just say you have it and expect the world to believe you, and if you dont want the world to believe you then WHY are you on here telling us it exists.]
No, I don't claim to have proof, or to be convincing. In fact, I don't know why I'm on this forum anymore. Initially it was in an effort to learn more about what I'm doing, but it seems more like a bitch-fest lately

Quote: [do some research.
ASK the qusetions WHY its happening and im sure even keith will talk nicely to you.]
That's what I was doing, and I advise other TKers to do the same when they feel ready for it.
The trouble is that too much distraction, including doubt and over-analysis, tends to make things difficult - as necessary as it is.

So it's really a big balancing act, IMO
Perhaps this is why so many people who learn TK are young or immature? Just a thought, I know the standard insulting reply to this...

Quote: [WHY do you have it?]
Because I took the plunge and attempted it open-mindedly for a couple of weeks. I used some self-hypnosis near the beginning too.
The reason I took the plunge? Curiosity mostly. Attraction to unusual things as well. Didn't really expect it to happen back then

Quote: [WHY do only you have it?]
Not only I have it, IMO

Quote: [DO i have it then?]
Potentially yes. Of course this is all just opinion. Not enough is known to be sure about that.

Quote: [HOW do you feel when your so called moving things?]
A few sensations. A relaxed feeling around my upper body, pressure in my frontal and temporal lobes, some tingling in my hands on occasion.
I generally have to be pretty relaxed and focussed.

Quote: [WHAT might be causing it?]
I wish I knew. My best hope of explanation is in Hutchison effect so far (free energy)
But since my knowledge of it is dangerous, at best, I can't really say

Quote: [DOES your brain hurt when you do it?]
The pressure in my frontal and temporal lobes hurts after a while. At worst, I get a throbbing headache in those particular areas of my head

Quote: [IS there some chemical reaction thing going on?]
I wouldn't know. I guess that would be necessary somewhere along the line...

Like I said, my answers - well - suck.
I'd be nice to clear them up somehow


Posted By: Martial_Artist

Posted On: Jan 8, 2005
Views: 1405
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

The fact that you call DataTek, Data Less, really represents the attitude of you and this whole site. It is just so a little child who doesnt get it his way. You get personally to involved man. Don't let your personal angers towards datatek or t'kers shine trough your statements so obviously...Try to stay more objective about things you want to explore and research, because people won't take you seriously anymore..that is if they already did.

greetings to all sereous sceptics and non-sceptics,

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 9, 2005
Views: 1401
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

You think I am angry with Data Tek? How wrong can you be, I find him hilarious! He is the best thing that could have happened to this site, a gift from the Gods! Money can't buy this stuff!
First he manages to 'prove' that it couldn't possibly be static, then he says that it IS static, then says - in effect that - "It is static Jim, but not static as we know it, I make it with my own head."
If you can't see how funny that is then that's just too bad. And you say people won't take ME seriously?

As for my having an attitude because I call him Data Less, get real.

As for others taking me seriously. Facts are facts, the laws of physics are the laws of physics. Tkers can't see that, look at their rude, silly and insulting comments on this board, so it would change nothing if I called Data Less 'sir most highly respected one Data Tek'.

Respect has to be earned. Paranoid Jester earned my respect when I proved that two of his theories on TK were wrong. He investigated, found I was right, admitted he made a mistake and pulled the articles. He is still publishing nonsense, but has the right attitude.

However, when I was working with some members of ppsociety doing all those TK tests, Data Tek was secretly emailing me saying that everything I was doing was wrong, etc etc. and that I had closed mind, that I refused to understand the truth etc etc.

How am I expected to respect him? Mr. Two Faced "It is static, but it's my own special static".

Anyway, no one forces you to come here, you are clearly on the wrong site, so return to ppsociety and you can go straight into a group cuddle and tell each other all the amazing TK things you have done today. It's just so sweet there! Ahhhhh!

May the force be with you!

Posted By: Astori

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 1377
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

I will start by saying that you did a great job at the website, keith, I love your sense of humor :). I´m someone who´s just starting with tk, and i wanted to read some articles about it.

Well, i read your tk FAQs, and i know you probably get this a lot, but ill say it anyway:
Think about it, you are at home, doing your tk, then you see that you could get a million dollars just by doing what you´re doing right now; a pretty sweet idea, right?
ok, now you enter the randi website and read the´ll see its just too complicated. you´d have to leave home, and do test with people you dont know, and then if you succeed at those tests you´d have to do a bunch of more tests, and after all that, you would get your million dollars, but at what cost?
you would be famous, ok, good. but imagine what people would say about you. Many would say you are satan, and came to destroy and/or corrupt earth and humankind. A lof of people would hate you. lets say you get 50% of the world to hate, doubt, dislike, and criticize you. i wouldnt like that, would you?

moving on...

What do you feel about telepathy? Because i was practicing it with someone i know, and i got really surprised, the outcomes were amazing. we were playing this game where you have 5 shapes and 5 colors, then you think of a shape and a color and the other one has to guess it telepathicly. We got the shapes right every single time, and we made like, 10 guesses each(its not a guess, you know, but i dont think there´s any word to define guess using tp).
that bypassed chance, i think :), dont you?

you know, there are many other psyquic abilities out there. you disbelieve every skill, or is it just tk?

about you not finding videos with covered-psiwheels, i gotta say you just didnt look well enough.

I still believe in tk, just for the record. i read your article, but some points there didnt get me thinking much, if you know what im saying :)

ok, happy 2005, everyone.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 1365
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

Hi Astori,

Yes, I do get lots of comments similar to yours regarding the Randi challenge. Yes, you would have to leave home and be tested by strangers. How else can you be tested? Do you think you can send a video over the internet and claim $1,000,000?

What makes you think that people would treat someone with TK as being satan, etc, etc. What nonsense, they would become a celeb!

As for your telepathy, with such amazing results as you claim I would first suggest you get someone who doesn't believe in it to act as witness andto take a good look at your methods.
The sort of results you claim are impossible by chance alone, so either something is wrong or you have a gift that could earn you a fortune, and I do mean a fortune!

I don't somehow expect this to happen.

Posted By: Astori

Posted On: Jan 11, 2005
Views: 1360
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

I see what you mean about the Randi thing, but my point is that you would go through much just for the million dollars. and you can never doubt about what people will say...remeber, they are people.

about telepathy; i had never practiced telepathy in any way untill that day, when i got those results. i think it was because of the guy i was practicing with, he was really good. he actually got the shape and color right a couple of times.
You should try to find someone who´s got experience in telepathy, and practice with this person. i think you will be very amazed with the results, considering you have as much experience with telepathy as i had when i practiced with my friend. The only thing i had odne was read an article about telepathy at psipog. so i knew what to think about while sending out the info.

So, i guess you disbelieve any kind of psyquic abilities after all...

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 12, 2005
Views: 1345
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

Hi Astori,

"So, i guess you disbelieve any kind of psyquic abilities after all..."

Correct. I have never said otherwise.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 12, 2005
Views: 1342
RE: ppsociety finally prove something


You begin by saying that some strongly religious people argue that reading Harry Potter books may distract children from a belief in God because they become interested in witchcraft. I think that is not an unreasonable assumption to make. Why do you think that is so odd as to be laughable?

However, I fail to see how that can be used as an argument to support the claim that many people in the world would regard TKers as being Satan. I am sure that some would, but then some people claim that they can travel to Venus in the blink of eye, others claim to have telepathic conversations with trees, or that the Royal family are alien reptiles, and all sorts of things. These people are however, very much in the minority, most people are, by definition, normal, and do not share these beliefs.
The number of people that would think TKers to be the devil would not be enough to stop me claiming $1,000,000.
But that would be my choice.

I just happen to think that TKers are capable of inventing an almost infinite number of reasons for why they can’t be tested.

Not to worry though, we believe you all, we have seen the vids.

Posted By: Martin

Posted On: Jan 12, 2005
Views: 1336
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

lol, watch the DVD Keith, you'll see that it's very very something that you can laugh at...
The magasin "The Onion" have made sort of a parody of that text(like you do in all your post on tk) the the most funny part of this whole thing is that the Religious people used one of the most ironic arguments in the article of the onion in their argumentation.

It was somehting like a satanist priest saying:"Harry Potter is truely a god sent gift"
Really, a satanist saying Harry Potter is a GOD sent gift, doesn't it ring bells to you ?

See what you want Keith, after all, it's your life and you do what you want with it. But be objective.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 13, 2005
Views: 1327
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

When you say I should be "objective" it is the same as when other tkers say I should be "open minded".

The problem is that as far as tkers are concerned you can't possibly be either of these things unless you believe in TK.

So why don't you try being open minded and objective in your arguments.

Posted By: Keith = ****ing Prick

Posted On: Mar 23, 2005
Views: 1087
RE: ppsociety finally prove something

OK, now everyone repeat this to keith:

TK IS REAL YOU ****ING WHORE!! Your testicals will
TK IS REAL YOU ****ING WHORE!! burn in everlasting
TK IS REAL YOU ****ING WHORE!! fire you ****ing prick.
TK IS REAL YOU ****ING WHORE!! IT will fall off.


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