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Post InfoTOPIC: Life is fun... is it not?
Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 2, 2005
Views: 825
Life is fun... is it not?

I sometimes take a step back and look at what life has for us. We all have the choice to believe and have faith in what we want. And it is just wonderful to watch the many people out there that fight for their beliefs.

There are many situations in the past, where faith was needed to get to where we are now. If it were not for the control of Christianity. America would not have boomed in to the economically growing monster it is. If you compare it to other countries, America is one of the top countries that people want to live in and start their family in. People walk through endless deserts to get here. Must be doing something right!
So, what I am getting at, is that faith has an important role in our society. I believe that people only think with 10% of their brain for a reason. If we were all perfect, then there would be an impossibility of existence.

The universe is based on the 'balance system'. The sum of all universal action becomes a balance. When an imbalance happens in the universe, the imbalance will then inadvertently become a balance for a variable time period that the imbalance was formed.

It is everywhere. From the dog and cat fighting one another. Clawing, barking, meowing. To the gasses from a deceased star whirling into a new star, or sucked in by the immensely powerful implosion of a supernova. It is when the dodo bird became extinct. And it is when humans become the top of the chain.

It is here in the forum. The psychological breakdown for the fight for ones beliefs. The battle of the skeptics and the ones who have faith. It is a battle that must happen, to find a new journey, to find happiness, to find yourself.

The sand, on the beach could not have formed, if it were not for the fusion nature of carbon. Fusing with hydrogen, fusing with iron, and on and on. Creating this wonderful Earth.

If it were not the violent clashes of asteroids hitting the surface of Earth. These elements would not have been possible. If it were not for the violent volcanoes that erupt into the air, as far as the eye can see. If it were not for the lava, carrying the carbon and other elements and fusing them together. Sooner or later, creating the water you drink, and the food you eat. Creating you.

So, what I am trying to say. It is my choice to believe in what I believe, and say what I want to say. Because I believe, that is why we are human.
It is your right as a human being to have a choice to believe and have faith in what you want. The war between skeptics and believers will create a butterfly effect. The repercussions will be taken through the future. The things we learn, and the things we experience will be dictated through these conflicts. If it were not for the world war, things would be completely different. America, could have been ran by communists. Think of all the advancements in technology happened during the war? One side got a big assed plane to bomb your ass. The other side had to think of a way to shoot that big assed bomber out of the sky or they are gonna get their ass chewed up.

Just don't be obsessed with your faith. Because you will hate yourself. Wasting your life, on something that is improbable. Continue your search for it though, in a healthy portion. You choose what you want to believe in. That is why life is fun.

Why is this related to TK
To learn yourself, is one of the first steps before trying to take on the improbable.

Posted By: PF

Posted On: Jun 4, 2005
Views: 816
RE: Life is fun... is it not?


Posted By: PF

Posted On: Jun 4, 2005
Views: 815
RE: Life is fun... is it not?

Don't was your life on something of unproven improbability. Don't waste death on the something of you that is unproven probability.

Posted By: Monkey Lover

Posted On: Jun 6, 2005
Views: 799
RE: Life is fun... is it not?

Don't rape monkeys, that is also a waste of life... What did those little guys ever do to you anyways!!!


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