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Post InfoTOPIC: Tongues; a controversial subject
Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 8, 2005
Views: 1598
Tongues; a controversial subject

Tongues is a very controversial subject. Some people completely raise their noses up at it, and there are rare but some times I will hear someone whisper it as a ventilation for their anger. Some people will burn you at the stake if you even peep it.

As you probably well have known, the subjects I bring up has relationship with tk. It is said that you must understand it all to understand the one.

For those that do not know what Tongues is.

Definition: Speech or vocal sounds produced in a state of religious ecstasy.

Actually, the definition provided by the dictionary is not completely accurate. But it is such a mysterious word.

Primarily, tongues is a language and the act of generating a random speech, nothing resembling your native language. It is spoken out, not only of religious ecstasy, but meditation 'Zero Point Of Emotion' (ZPE), one who is possessed by spirits, and so on.

It is said that tongues is a way to generate energy all on it self. Some people use just the 'nnn' sound for their energy gathering. Some people talk in a way in which sounds like an indian. Some sound like a chinese language. Some a spanish. And so on.

I have personally used tongues before. I was catered to an indian reserve somewhere in Alabama, USA (most foreign individuals know where it is). The purpose was to study their culture and well- their ideas of life. It was quite interesting to me how they use drums and fire and storms, and etc to gather energy. They will sing and dance, and dress with dead animal skins and feathers. However, if you listen to what they sing, no one knows what they are singing about. That is because they are speaking whatever is on their heart or 'sub-concious'. These entities of oneself is not connected to the brain. It is probably why sometimes you wonder why you feel depressed and you cannot figure out why.
During my stay in the reserve, I was treated to some OK tasting food, and had the experience of sleeping in a tepe. You would hear smacking from my tepe, because the masquitos were simply ravenous.
Something else we did was meditate around the fire. We closed our eyes, sat 'indian style', and began feeling the energy of the night seeping into the skin. They began yelling out in different languages. And then sometimes someone would yell out, and scream something I would not understand.

I began using tongues; not that night, but a while after that. One day I felt like I needed to say something, and 'you asshole' was not helping. So I started saying words that I could not understand.

Some people say that tongues is interperatable. I believe it is true. Considering, the people I work with speak foreign languages; I can pick up on what they are saying, just by how their eyes move, their facial features, their hand motions, and how their words come out.

Why I bring this up is because we have been talking about energy gathering in the posts before. Well, this is a preferred method amongst the Wiccans, Shamans, Wizards, Sorcerrors, Indians, Islams, Buddas, Quite a few Christians, and the list goes on. So perhaps there is something to said about this?

Oh, I almost forgot. Almost hit the Submit Comment button.

Another interesting thing about tongues. Babies speak it. When they crawl around, they speak these languages. And the mother usually knows what the baby is talking about. Perhaps they are an interperater of tongues? Perhaps.

Tongues is probably an important action, at the same time, controversial.

Your comments and suggestions please!

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Jun 10, 2005
Views: 1436
RE: Tongues; a controversial subject

I don't have the time for a complete reply on this, but my feeling is that the sounds that the person chooses/feels like making will be based on their past experiences and how they reacted to those experiences.

Just as the colour red may remind you of the time you cut your finger... or ..well you get my point.

As such, a mother may understand a baby's language because she can relate to how the baby has grown as an individual.

IMO it's quite a bit like casual dancing ... you have to feel the music, and 'go with the flow', with what feels right.
But everyone has a different style of dancing. Everyone dances differently.

Does this make it a spiritual thing?
To the person involved, yes. To others, probably not.

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 10, 2005
Views: 1429
RE: Tongues; a controversial subject

Why does this post have so many views?

Posted By: Peter Flack

Posted On: Jun 11, 2005
Views: 1425
RE: Tongues; a controversial subject

I have said it before, why this might end up happening...

Posted By: Peter Flack

Posted On: Jun 14, 2005
Views: 1410
RE: Tongues; a controversial subject

This is a quote I just learned, " There is a voice that doesn't use words, listen. " Does this affect anyone? Well, maybe that is the truth. As for telekinesis, there is a touch that is untouchable, feel.

Posted By: Peter Flack

Posted On: Jun 30, 2005
Views: 1388
RE: Tongues; a controversial subject

What do you feel?

How does it feel?


What does a tongue feel like when you put your fingers on the keyboard, that is if you have fingers? Something I should feel?
Or something untouchable?


Or reality?

26 letters? ............................

10 numbers?


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