Post InfoTOPIC: Jack Houck
Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Sep 19, 2005
Views: 1083
Jack Houck

Any views on this guy?

Here's a snippet of his first PK party:

I was very skeptical about remote viewing when I was first exposed to the idea. However, I did continue to read about it and finally met Puthoff and Targ at SRI. They suggested that I run my own experiments in remote viewing. That idea appealed to me, so I found a women who seemed to be able to perceive things at remote locations and I asked her to participate in some experiments. These experiments worked, much to my amazement. A few years later, I wrote a conceptual model2 of how the brain and mind might interact with nature in an attempt to explain remote viewing. In trying to put together a model to explain these phenomena, I had to stretch my scientific background. Even though current physics works very well for most scientific applications, it does not go far enough to explain paranormal phenomena. By the end of the 1970's, I had conducted enough remote viewing experiments until I personally was convinced that that phenomenon was real. I wrote this model and was challenged to test it. I accepted that challenge as the standard scientific approach wherein people postulate a model, test its predictions, and if it doesn't work, fix it.

To test this idea, in January 1981, I decided to have a party wherein people could learn how to perform psychokinesis. Severin Dahlen, a metallurgist, came into my office a week before the first PK Party and said that he knew how to teach people to bend metal with their minds. He had been working with children at the University of California - Irvine. They had a little boy who could stare at a key and burn a hole through it. Since I was about to have this PK Party, I asked Severin if he would help at the party by giving the metal bending instructions. The instructions he gave at that first PK Party are identical to those still given at PK Parties.

I gathered 21 people in my home in Huntington Beach, California. Basically, half of them were people I met through the remote viewing research who were interested in psychic types of things. The other half were members of a tennis club I belong to, and they didn't know much about using their minds. I had stopped at the Sears Company hardware department on the way home that night and purchased a 5/ 16" steel rod that I could not bend with all my strength. I said to myself, "Boy, if that gets bent, I will be impressed."

I had heard of some PK experimental results that had suggested time shifts, much like the time shifts that I had noted in the remote viewing data. In remote viewing, when a person sends his mind out to a remote place, he does not necessarily get the information from that remote place at the current, what we call, time. Sometimes people get information from another time, like four, or even forty years ago. That is a real problem to understand --- where is that information stored? In part of my model I suggest that when you send your mind out to a point in space, the mind sweeps in time. I recognize that there are a lot of other models about time. As an engineer, it is very difficult to throw out time. Learning how the mind accesses stored information from some other time, which can sometimes be in the future, is a real important accomplishment. What I found was that the mind seems to lock onto the time of a peak emotional event at that remote place. One time I had a remote viewer go to the latitude and longitude coordinates where there was a sunken ship. There it was, sitting with half of it above the ocean, rusting with lots of seagulls sitting on it. The remote viewer described a scene that had a lot of excitement --- people running around, explosions occurring, and generally a lot of panic --- while the ship was sinking. That, of course, was the peak emotional event at that point in space. I used to say that if you want some paranormal phenomenon to happen at the current time, then you deliberately create a peak emotional event. In remote viewing, viewers use meditation techniques, while being very quiet, to remove the mental noise. At PK Parties we do just the opposite. We create as much noise and as much excitement as we possibly can, and hope that this becomes the biggest peak emotional event that has ever occurred at that place at anytime. In effect, all the people in the group have their minds lock onto the present time, and we get the paranormal events happening consistently.

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Sep 19, 2005
Views: 1081
RE: Jack Houck

And here's a link of a skeptical person who went to such a party:

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Sep 20, 2005
Views: 1063
RE: Jack Houck


I have read all of Jack Houck's article on the spoon bending and although it was long-winded i found it very interesting. The fact that it's about metal materials being deformed intrigues me a lot. I deal with metallic materials everyday, I run a Mechanical Testing Laboratory where we carry out numerous tests such as Tensile test (Pulling), Impact tests and yep Bend tests plus other tests. I've been involved in material testing for 6 years and have learnt a lot in materials. I am not surprised that JH uses most of the time Silver spoons, I mean it's a very ductile (Malleable) material which makes it very easy to bend.

I do not want to offend anybody by claiming that the spoon's were not bent by PK as there are a lot of people involved in his parties who think it is PK. But i can't help wondering why it is that both hands have to be on either end of the spoon when holding the spoon above your head to transfer the energy when surely someone could just bend the spoon with physical force and who would know any different. Why not bend the spoon in one hand so that the spoon can not be bent through physical force or why not do it by just touching the spoon with both hands.

What about if a majority of people are just bending the spoon's themselves. JH even said himself that there was a women who could bend metal but not plastic, he told her what to do and she came back with lots of bent plastic. Whats to say she didn't bend them herself, how would he know? They can't all be honest surely.

Then there is the curtain holder that was bent around the wall, thats easy. With the lengh of curtain holders it shouldn't be to hard to bend.

The man that took the nut of the bottom of his car is a little to far fetched for me. Tools have a lot more strength than a nut on the bottom of a rusty car yet he broke all his tools to try and get this nut of (the nut is more likely to give way than the tools). Then he decides to use PK to remove the nut, seems a liitle strange. This one rusty nut at the bottom of one mans car broke all his tools (Very odd) but then he was able to use PK to remove the nut. There must of been a lot of Torgue in that nut he must of used a lot of PK to remove it.

And the man that didn't realise that he was bending the spoon in his left hand when he was concentrating on his right. Surely if a spoon was bending in your hand you would feel it with the movement of the weight in the spoon. Don't see why JH had to point out that he had bent the spoon.

The 5/16" rod was very interesting, i happen to have the same size at work and i struggled to bend it myself. Infact i had to get the rod to glow red before i could even start to bend it and it certainly wouldn't bend 270 Degrees which is quite a lot. On that skeptics view link he said the rod was only a bit bent just to the point that it wouldn't roll which to achieve does not need to be bent a lot. I just wonder if words are being twisted a little somewhere down the line.

I think i'm just being picky but if all this is true then why hasn't it been properly proven. So many people can do it why can't just one prove it.

I'm skepticle about JH parties, to me nothing seems to stand out and say its real. But i could be wrong.

Do they drink at these parties :P could explain a lot!! Only joking!

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Sep 20, 2005
Views: 1060
RE: Jack Houck

QUOTE: I think i'm just being picky but if all this is true then why hasn't it been properly proven. So many people can do it why can't just one prove it.

Yeah, that's my biggest question about all this.
Why doesn't a high profile skeptic tag along for the ride - about 3 times or so (just in case the first party was a failure)

It suprises me that it hasn't happened thus far - or maybe I haven't googled it well enough :P

Nevertheless I found the second link to be very interesting. He's very cynical about it, and yet finds the standard answers to be lacking.

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Sep 21, 2005
Views: 1048
RE: Jack Houck


have you ever been to one of these PK parties. I'm just curious as to what you thought of the parties wether you have been or not.

I would go just out of interest. JH said skeptics struggle with it but i would just like to observe. I think there is more to see just by observation. I live in England and i've never heard of such parties so it probably aint going to happen.

I did a lot of googling about JH's parties and i could not find a lot from a skeptics point of view. I did find one, the address below but the page won't open any more.

It was an interesting page. There was two skeptics views which i found very interesting.

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Sep 21, 2005
Views: 1047
RE: Jack Houck

I've just tried to open that site again and it worked. You need to scroll down to the section "Feedback on Spoonbending...."

It's not a bad read but i found it interesting.

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Sep 21, 2005
Views: 1045
RE: Jack Houck

Nope, I haven't attended one, and I doubt there are any around here either.
I'm still looking, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to find 20+ people who are going look at me strangely thereafter.
I could try the technique by myself, but if it doesn't work... it wouldn't mean much :/

I looked at the blogspot, and the person didn't seem to quite explain why they went from interest and confusion at it working, to the feeling that it's fake and dislikes being duped.
The one moment he has a lot of fascination, the next moment it's very negative ?

As for the box of spoons, that is a worry. But then why did his own spoons bend just as easily ? :P

I think the pendulum is honestly just a psychological trick, to make it easier for you to accept that it could work. It's wacky, but doesn't worry me otherwise.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Sep 26, 2005
Views: 1024
RE: Jack Houck

On every film or video I have ever seen of spoon (or whatever) bending, why is it that the spoon has ALWAYS been held at both ends?
Funny that.

Posted By: Ben

Posted On: Dec 25, 2005
Views: 852
RE: Jack Houck

That website on the person who went to a spoon bending partys very interesting. Well by reading everything keith and ralph or what ever his name is are obviously chum buddys, i hope you realise your the silly little skeptics of the ages. I may not be old enough to remember all the other feats of science, but i am aware that they also had there skeptics that also felt they were... "healthy" and "logical" but ha how wrong they are, sucks to those skeptics, and sucks to you. Do you not think its possible? in the slightest? i actually watched a decent documentry on discovery channel and the amount of research there putting in to this is astounding, they even use it in police detective work also, I just hope you know that.

A recent show actually, on in the UK, you may not be from around here but yeah are tv is better than yours, but it was about psychics, run by a terrible host but thats not the point. It was a test to see if psychics were real. ALL of there tests were passed by these psychics, quite astounding. 1 person in a trunk of a car out of 50 odd in a car park and he was managed to be found straight away by these psychics. Nina kuligina was quite big proof aswel.


just to convince you that there is the slightest posibilitie that this is real. and yes i have experienced it myself, enough to say that it is real.

Well good luck with what ever your trying to prove, or in your case disprove. im so exited to see your reply its like christmas.. wait it is christmas.. awesome.

Good night and have a merry merry lonely christmas

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Feb 4, 2006
Views: 789
RE: Jack Houck

Well Ben I think you have earned yourself £MILLION....You do know there is a reward.

Anyway you carry on being fooled by your little tv programs. Maybe you'll wake up? As for Nina :D

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Feb 4, 2006
Views: 785
RE: Jack Houck

I find it all very tiresome, not to mention silly, that there all these people around the world that claim do all these amazing things, yet not one has ever proven it.
Believe what you want,but do try and be realistic and ask for proof, rather than simply believe what a friend of a friend tells a friend. Not very scientific is it?


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