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Posted By: Seath

Posted On: Jan 2, 2006
Views: 878
Why fight about it?

Well I like to start off by saying that I'm not entirely sure if Tk is real or not. while I find it something that I my self have been unable to acomplish I dont dismiss the possablity of its exsitance.

I have searched around and read amny diffrient ways of "useing" Tk and while I have been sucsessful in reproduceing the afects I have been unable to progress (provably so) to anything else.

I have done and seen things I my self belive to have heppend. but the human mind is a vary strong tool and can cause anything to happen in ones owen mind. so I can not and will not atempt to claim and credit twords haveing any "powers"

Now makeing thease points clear I hope that I have showen where I stand as far as Tk is concerned. I think that rather then fighting over whos right. more effort should be expended in finding more solid REPRODUCABLE evidance.

I respect the site owers views and am vary opened minded on both sides. I would like to hear if any one has any ideas on what could be done to provide some shred of proof that Tk is possable.

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Jan 3, 2006
Views: 870
RE: Why fight about it?

First of all i would just like to point out your spelling, it needs a little touching up. I'm not one to put anybody down for bad spelling but it was that bad i thought i would just mention it.

I understand your views and what you are trying to say but as to keeping an open mind about TK, well I think we are all way past that point now. For so long TK has struggled to support itself with creditable evidence to the point that you either believe it doesn't exist or keep hoping it does exist. And as for what can be done to provide proof to support TK well that has been said time and time again and still nothing has come of it. It's simple, move something under test conditions which can not be disputed in any way whatsoever. How can this be done? I don't know, but then I'm not the one who has to worry about that.

Posted By: Seath

Posted On: Jan 3, 2006
Views: 864
RE: RE: Why fight about it?

First I'd like to aplojise for my spelling. I know I am no great speller. and at times misspell things on purpose. if you think my an idiot for this then your probly right.

As for the rest, I guess my question should be clarified I have yet to find a test of Tk that could be done, and not explaned away by scince. maybe thats why Tk dosnt exsist becuse theres always a good scientific explanation for it. meaning that rather then not exsisting it more exsists as something real rather then something of "mystic origins."
oh and I'm looking for something i can do here at home and pratice easly rather then going and takeing some test some where.

Any way perhaps I'm just beating at a dead subject. but the eletric light was also considered impossable. so in my other spare time I'll continue to try and find any evidence I can. while realiseing at the same time that it is likely that there is nothing to the idea of Tk. thanks for your reply Grant.

Posted By: The newtown nutter

Posted On: Jan 5, 2006
Views: 848
RE: Why fight about it?

Look boys your just GAY

Posted By: OGrilla

Posted On: Jan 14, 2006
Views: 822
RE: Why fight about it?

First off, I think The newton nutter is the gay one, here. What kind of a newton needs nutting anyway? What is nutting in this context?
Anyway, I agree with Grant about the thought that went behind your arguements. They weren't really connected to the matter at hand. But the 'fact' about the 10% of your brain being used is what I've heard before. I don't know how credible these 'scientists' on 'television' that have something called a 'reputation' and have many years of experience in their fields are, but they probably aren't that far off. This has nothing to do with this particular subject, but someone called themselves a psychologist before.
I'm not convinced, but if they really are a psychologist I would ask them to e-mail me about anything that could be wrong with people who reply to these kinds of things.

Also, why is the email adress optional, but it won't let me post my comment if I don't include it? Maybe I didn't check something else off, but this is the second time a posted a comment in this article and only the first time it worked.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 21, 2006
Views: 808
RE: Why fight about it?

Re posting comments:
If you checked the box asking for a notification when a reply is posted then you need to include an email address in order to get the reply.
Maybe you did that?


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