Post InfoTOPIC: Question
Posted By: Lucidess

Posted On: May 10, 2006
Views: 762

If TK is fake, then why are so many people creating movies of it? so many movies can't all be wrong. Proof cannot come scientifically or logically, thinking you can deny it and act invincible.
A mass amount of movies from a mass amount of people, odds are they're doing it because it's real, and not trying to get attention.
These "claims" everyone is doing, all they can really do is create movies, this is what I call proof.

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: May 11, 2006
Views: 758
RE: Question

There's a lot of vampire movies. So many vampire movies can't be wrong.
Billions of flies eat crap. They can't all be wrong.

Sorry, but your argument is a common mistake.
Just because there's smoke, doesn't mean there's fire. Contrary to the saying.

Now, I do actually believe that TK may be real. But your argument doesn't do any justice IMO.

Posted By: Lucidess

Posted On: May 11, 2006
Views: 752
RE: RE: RE: Question

Vampire movies are made by directors.
flies eat crap because it's in their nature to eat things like that.
no **** if there is smoke it doesn't mean theres fire.
I get the message you are trying to say, but people making so many PK videos is much more different. You can make up alot of things like that, oh a million this, a million that. PK is something we cannot prove, therefore we can always have arguments like this. But all the proof from many sources, people, books, websites, is well proof enough that it exists.. why would 100+ humans make fake PK videos just so they can feel good? This isn't a common thing someone would do, the numbers don't add up correctly, therefore it's proof enough.
The reason why there is only one webpage of this.. geez. Take the hint already.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 11, 2006
Views: 748
RE: Question

If 100+ people are sending in genuine TK videos then why doesn't just one of them actually demonstrate it live?
You seem happy to accept internet videos, web sites and heresay as though it all adds up to real solid evidence.Sorry, but it doesn't. Evidence is evidence, heresay is heresay.
It would only take ONE genuine demonstration to prove it existed, that's all.


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