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Posted By: Nunez1212

Posted On: Mar 30, 2007
Views: 2374
What about faith?

Alright, well just to clarify something here....I am a 15 year old student....have a 4.58gpa. I am not stupid and I have been a very logical person all of my life. Though I do believe in things such as God and Jesus. Now I have thought about things such as TK for some time now. The other day I decided to check it out online, and saw a few websites and so forth. I tried it out and no results so far...but I have only tried this for a short time, so I can not say it is fake. Anyways, my point is this. In our society today most kids are born taught that things such as TK are illogical and fake. Yes, we have no actual facts and logical explenations for it. Thought a lot of people are born every day being taught that Jesus and God are real, but we also have no prove or evidence for this either. I think that maybe TK is real but we have to believe. In the bible I read that it says "with faith as small as a seed you may move mountains." well he is obviously stating that if you believe than you can do anything, or something to that matter. Anyways, plz respond trufully but dont be an idiot. I just want to know why it's ruled out so fast as being a possibility by people that probably believe in things such as God or Jesus.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 31, 2007
Views: 872
RE: What about faith?

TK is 'ruled out' for a very good reason. It is not like having a belief in God or Jesus, TK can be demonstrated to be true. As TK has never been demonstrated under test conditions then I am perfectly within my rights to say it doesn't exist.

Why have you fixed the hit counter to show such a ridiculously high number of hits? Its silly to have that many hits without a single response. Why do it?

Posted By: Sa'alyg

Posted On: Apr 4, 2007
Views: 865
RE: What about faith?

For starters, please don't tell us your age or GPA. No one cares what your grades are like in school, because they do not show intelligence, only effort and motivation. You can have an IQ of 90 and make straight A's if you only try hard and study. And to tell us your age is to beg for someone to talk down to you.

To answer your question, just read above. I believe in God and the Bible, but not in telekinesis. I am able to put full faith into my belief because there is no way to disprove it. I am the only one who can decide whether it is real or not. Telekinesis is not like this, however. Even if we do not have the technology to do so now, science in its current form is able to determine whether occurences claimed to be performed by telekinesis are truly caused by the phenomenon. So far, all evidence points away from TK being real.

Posted By: Mr.Bivens

Posted On: Apr 11, 2007
Views: 844
RE: The Power of the Mind/ Mind over Matter

Hmmm.. touchy subject. Spiritual Faith is a belief in something not experienced in the physical world. General faith is a confidence in something or someone. I believe we must always keep things in perspective. There was a time in history when we thought the earth was flat. Could you prove it? Not at that time. Could you disprove it? Not at that time.

We have explored the physical world in many ways, but the mind is still one of the most uncharted territories.Is Mind Over Matter real?

1.) Look at the power of imagination. If one vividly imagines themself in a sexual situation- blood flows to certain parts of the body and they are sexually aroused. (Even though they are not phyisically engaged.)

2.)If one vividly imagines the smell of baking bread or the taste of a bitter lemon, then the mouth begins to salivate. (Even though there is no food being consumed.)

3.)A sympathetic pregnancy is when a man experiences mood swings and even morning sickness when his wife is pregnant. (Although he is not.)

4.)Pseudocyesis or a phantom/false pregnancy can cause many of the signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy, and can resemble the condition in every way except for fetal presence. This is known not to have a direct physical cause, but rather a psychosomatic issue treated with psychotherapy. (Again the woman is not actually pregnant.)

5.) Conjoined twins Abigail and Brittany Hensel have two spines joined at the pelvis, two stomachs, three lungs. Having two legs and two arms to share between the both of them, they have individual heads/minds and personalities. Each of the twins manages one side of their conjoined body, controlling her own arm and leg, and receives no sensation from the other side, yet and still these young ladies can drive, play ball, and swim using this one body with two independant minds and no verbal communication. Doctors are not sure how they do this and the twin don't know either!

Some may find my aforementioned references far fetched or irrelevant, but my statements do highlight the mind-body connection. In the case of the Hensel twins, we're dealing with a two-mind-body connection.

It seems that the mind has the ability to control and change physiological occurences in the body. We know that the human body is made of materials found in the physical world; (water, minerals, molecules, etc...)
From my perspective, simply because we cannot prove it now, doesn't mean we won't prove it, or at least find valid examples, in the future.

I'm not saying TK or PK actually exist, but strange things do and have occurred with the power of the mind.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 11, 2007
Views: 841
RE: What about faith?

We all know that the mind has limited control over the body, nothing new in that.
I fail to see however what that has to do with the mind having power over objects outside of the body. There is no connection between the two.

Posted By: Someone

Posted On: Apr 13, 2007
Views: 832
RE: What about faith?

Dude, it doesnt matter if the body was made out of metal, the body is functioning in a way it's programmed to be. You've watched a little too much "what the bleep do we know". Don't believe that crap, that water crystal thing is fake and the "scientist" that did the test isn't even a real scientist.

Posted By: PickleThief

Posted On: Apr 13, 2007
Views: 828
RE: What about faith?

You could have faith the size of a full grown tree, I still don't think you'll move that mountain friend...

Posted By: Josh

Posted On: Apr 14, 2007
Views: 823
RE: What about faith?

I really disagree with a lot that some of the other people are saying. They seem to think that anything that's not in the bible and also VERY CLEARLY stated in the bible is completely untrue. Well, I don't think we are meant to take the bible so literally. It is a study material. How often do you believe every single thing in say...a science book? Science and its laws have changed so much ever since its conception that only very basic scientific principals can be proven to be absolutely true. Although, with the development of technology today, it's getting better. But to rule telekinesis out of any possibility of being real is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. But, to be a rational thinker, acknowledge all possibilities. Don't just think in black and white. Not everything is as simple as that. Besides, I think that if telekinesis is actually real, that it would not be mere human mindpower that drives it. I believe that God would be the controller, helping the human mind along in its attempt to accomplish something that maybe just isn't visible to the human eye. In the end, my oppinion is not to be a radical and only see a one-sided view. Search for the truth. I acknoledge my skepticism on the subject because most of the people who claim to be able to move things with their minds seem to be nutcases, but at the same time, think about how much arrogance it takes to play God, to state that something you know nothing about, is impossible. God created [humans] to be his servants, superior to animals, on earth, and what's (or who's) to say that he didn't give us the brain power to focus energy in a means that is not fully logical? (considering that He controls the universe)

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 14, 2007
Views: 818
RE: What about faith?

"But, to be a rational thinker, acknowledge all possibilities."
That is not being ratonal, that is being stupid.
Should I keep an open mind about Santa, Faries and goblins?
If TK were real then it could be demonstrated then we could study it.

Posted By: PickleThief

Posted On: Apr 15, 2007
Views: 814
RE: What about faith?

All matter's of faith aside, i'd just like to point out that science and it's laws have never changed. Things are what they are. It's our own knowledge of science that's been proven right or wrong.

Posted By: Nick

Posted On: Apr 17, 2007
Views: 806
RE: What about faith?

Okay, i havent even been on this site for a day yet but so far, keith, you are ignorant, and losing your credibility

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 18, 2007
Views: 804
RE: What about faith?

Coming from you it must be true then.
You must the the same Nick that just posted that old crap about "We only use 10% of our brain".
Catch up Nick for Christ's sake!

Posted By: the enlightened

Posted On: May 16, 2007
Views: 755
RE: What about faith?

My opinion(yes, i am a christian also, and have read that verse over and over) is that when GOD created us, we where made in his image,and some of his power is in us. BAM! telekinetics. you can so anything in this world(and i mean ANYTHING)if you have teh faith of a mustard seed. remember, you dont need a mountian of faith to move the seed, you need a seed to move a mountian.BAM!telekinetics

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 17, 2007
Views: 753
RE: What about faith?



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