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Post InfoTOPIC: cj and remote viewing
Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 13, 2007
Views: 721
cj and remote viewing

I cannot bring myself to read anymore of cj's comments. I have grown tired of hearing him say time after time that RV is a fact, it has been proven ...blah blah blah.
There is no point in trying to talk to someone who will not listen and regardless of the points you make simply ignores them and repeats again the same old rubbish.

If remote viewing had ever been established, if the statistical results had ever proven anything, then RV would have become an accepted fact.
RV is clearly not an accepted fact.
Why is that you should ask?
Look at where the stats and the results came from.
Are they from reputable scientific institutions with a good reputation?
Or are they just from institutions and university departments that set out to try and prove that RV exists? There is your answer.
As I said before, if you go to Ford and ask if they make good cars they will of course tell you they do.
Go to an institute that only exists to promote the paranormal, and take a lot of money teaching you how to improve your paranormal skills, then - not surprisingly - they will tell you it exists, and even supply the stats to 'prove' it.

I will not bother to respond to cj anymore and this one post is just to save me going through all the many threads he has set up and all the others he has commented on.


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