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Posted By: SpiritofthePoor

Posted On: Jun 1, 2009
Views: 1006
A riddle! TK related

If TK existed, dont you think that some creature on this planet (besides humans) would have TK and use it all the time?

Think out of 100's of millions of years of evolution some form of life would eventually find itself not needing arms or legs. Because it could just simply float its weight around using TK.

Sounds silly, well yes!

"If TK exists, I would market it. Genetically engineering animals that could use TK to better mankind..."


BTW im not a TK believe, I prefer atleast some viable evidence up front.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jun 18, 2009
Views: 976
RE: A riddle! TK related

well, i think you cant see it.

Humans as you see, are stupid creatures that evolved through many years and exterminated almost every threat to them. Now, animals or other creatures using TK? turn ON your braid dude. Are animals or other creatures smart enough to build plane, car, computer, cellphone or anything else? i think no. so even if animals would have the ability to use TK, do you think they would figure it out HOW to use it? i think not.
Think more about what you might say, and then write something smarter.

Posted By: Luke

Posted On: Jun 21, 2009
Views: 967
RE: A riddle! TK related

Nogard, I don’t entirely understand your argument. Here’s why… “Humans as you see, are stupid creatures” “Are animals or other creatures smart enough…” It seems that you are submitting the human race as one of lacking intelligence, you also grant this same attribute to non-human animals. You then seem to imply that it is a matter of intelligence for a being to use PK. If both humans and nonhuman animals alike lack intelligence, wouldn’t it follow that both lack the ability to use PK? Furthermore, your argument seems to undermine a lot of commonly held beliefs about psychic phenomena in general. For instance, it is commonly held that animals, because of their more basal attributes are capable of seeing ghosts, and are more in touch with the spirit realm. It is also believed that children are usually possess the strongest amount of mental ability, this is due actually to their lack of intelligence, relying instead on their imagination.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 963
RE: A riddle! TK related

wi agree to what you say, but, what im trying to say, humans are training their mental powers or whatever, they are working to make themselves better, even if any animel is able to use PK, do you actually think it could know what PK is? even if it uses PK, its actually unintentional use, and there's no way animals can be taught to control those abilities, unless they know what PK is.

Posted By: jake

Posted On: Jun 23, 2009
Views: 959
RE: A riddle! TK related

Think a little before trying to sound clever. If TK exists then it probably requires intelligence and concentration skills beyond most humans. What animal would have the brains to do TK? Also, TK is most likely not genetic.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jun 24, 2009
Views: 957
RE: A riddle! TK related

listen jake, did you read the below masseges i wrote?

i said, that humans are not intelligent enough to use that ability, if TK obviously exists. im not acting clever or anything, im just expressing myself

Posted By: Will

Posted On: Jun 27, 2009
Views: 945
RE: A riddle! TK related

Do you read the entirety of posts before replying? Or do you just to decide to comment on them when you can't understand them anymore?

Human intelligence is measured by (drumroll please) humans. The problem with this is we have nothing else to judge our intelligence by. Our standards are set by us, so it is pretty easy to meet our own expectations.

But what about plants, insects, aquatic life hell any of the wildlife on this world. I can't hide like a chameleon or a walking stick, does that make them more intelligent than me?

There are several million things other life on this planet can do that we can't. There is nothing that we can do that they can't.

Now our ability to think, reason and read is superior to theirs as far as we are concerned. But even that chimpanzee can read sign language and sign sign language. Several animals can engineer way better then we ever could. The fact is is that everything we can do, we got the idea from nature in one way or another.

So if that is the case, then some other creature on this planet would probably have TK and have a natural ability to use it. Everything we can do naturally after something else on Earth can do.

(Before less intelligent people flame me, no animals can not build a 747 or design an eternal combustion engine yet. Maybe never will, but they can buld things, design things. Hell I even saw an elephant paint. Her name was annabell, from Anchorage Alaska. The point I was making was on a broader terms of what we do. And that any natural abilitys we posess, another animal posses.)


Posted By: fuk you

Posted On: Oct 10, 2009
Views: 803
RE: RE: A riddle! TK related

all you shutup god could of made creatures with the ability of tk god can do it why cant wee

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Nov 7, 2009
Views: 763
RE: A riddle! TK related

It seems that a key point in this conversation is that the rest of the species of the world can do anything we can do to the same ability if not better plus do things even we cannot. I say this is false. We are the only species to have a true society. Meaning we can form together and pass on information, via LANGUAGE, in a true learning pattern that allows us to advance as a whole.

The main parts of what I have posted here is that we are the only ones with SOCIETY and LANGUAGE. Other animals mimic behavior and voice and how to use these from other animals but we are the only ones that truly learn them.

This being said, why could TK/PK not be another ability we can learn due to our superior intelligence that other species cannot?

Posted By: Telekinesis could be real

Posted On: Jul 21, 2010
Views: 626
RE: A riddle! TK related

Im sorry but I personally can't see why you think this is valid evidence that its fake. Humans are incredibly more capable of animals already, humans haven't been around very long and yet were quite smart, also, primates tend to be intellegent like us as well, just not as intellegent. Just because everything evolves doesn't mean it's going towards the same path as humans, many animals today evolve simply to their enviroment. To run faster to escape predators, to be smaller to lack of food, water, shelter. Look at snakes, they used to have legs, but they have evolved and lost them. The primate tree, with humans included in it has been recognized as a quite intellegent group. So we may be training ourselves to use mind power because we have the capability, we have evolved to it, while many other creatures took a different path to evolve. I'm not saying telekinesis is real, I am only saying that this does not do alot to say its fake.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jul 21, 2010
Views: 623
RE: A riddle! TK related

and i already thought this forum died...
i will intrude myself here once again.
Will? You say you can do anything animals can? Then go ****ing run as fast as full tiger's speed. cats (your pets) jump one human meter (or more) high. Try jumping over your height, can you? hahaha... i thought so.. and you say human being can do animals can? you wish.. you stupid human cant even do half of hat they can. can you survive outside in the winter naked? i think i dont need an answer.. your stupidity and not understanding proves it.
Ill repeat myself one again, I never said it was real. i just expressed myself and gave my opinion as for this subject, and you went as far as almost crying to prove im wrong.. hahahahahaha!!! -laughs at your face-

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 22, 2010
Views: 616
RE: A riddle! TK related

Nogard... I think you misread what Will wrote. Will wrote that animals can do everything we can do plus so much more. He didn't say it the other way around; we can do everything animals can and so much more.

This being said I think you and Will are wrong; I think we can accomplish anything any animal can, plus much more. Granted we can't do these things alone with no supplies but what makes our species superior is our intelligence and society. Because of our intelligence and our ability to work together in a society we don't have to do things alone or with no supplies; we can work together and create amazing tools that allow us to achieve almost every task any animal can accomplish plus more.

Run as fast as a tiger? No problem, we have vehicles. Jump as high as a cat? Easy, its called a ladder, or a polevault, or a plane, or a trampoline, or a million different other tools.

To actually tie this in with TK; we have simulated abilities that take us above and beyond that of any natural ability of animals. Maybe one day we will create a device that alters gravity at a specific points around an object and then lets us manipulate the location of modified gravity thus moving the object... Boom, simulated PK. Humans win.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jul 23, 2010
Views: 608
RE: A riddle! TK related

this time i think the one that didnt understand was you. no offence dude.
what i ment, by running faster and jumping higher, is with your own ability, muscules you have in your body, which you train to be stronger and run fast and be "tough". to do those things, it not impossible, you just have to train your everyday to achieve those.. so, its close to impossible..
now, TK, PK and other abilities, that people actually believe exists, or not.. might be real, or not..
i dnt have any proof to prove it exists, but i have no proof to prove it doesnt. so if anyone thinks its real, i respect those, and whoever doesnt, i also respect. but as for your own thoughts, to say what is on your mind, noone is restricted of that option as far as i know.

Posted By: Telekinesis could be real

Posted On: Oct 7, 2010
Views: 592
RE: A riddle! TK related

Will you may not understand that while some creatures like our family members of the primate tree can reason and think, most animals rely on instinct. Sure ants are good builders when it comes to nests but you know what, its practically the only thing they build. Several species are born to already know things but they never expand their knowledge like humans and some of the other more advanced species of the animal kingdom. Chimpanzee's have been known to come up with many ways to escape their habitat in a zoo such as one case where they stacked up some banana boxes to climb over the wall. Chimpanzee's like humans and other primates are young but a bigger step in the mental capabilities in evolution though. I think what is happening is so far most of the species that we have today are much older than us and haven't been as advanced as us. While some of those creatures may evolve to be smarter, it is mostly the newer branches that have been taking advanced steps. If you look at the evolutionary tree you'll notice it starts out with very simple things like sponges, then later on there are mollusks,starfish, jellfish, simple creatures but ones that move usually. It took alot of time before there was even land creatures, at first there were no vertebrates. I very well agree with you that alot of things man kind has "invented" came from observing creatures or in some cases we really did make the idea ourselves, but later on we learn there is an animal or animals that have already been dealing with the idea for millions of years. That all came form evolution and instinct though, not thinking in most cases. Humans are advancing without evolution though. Some other species are to, but much slower.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Oct 7, 2010
Views: 590
RE: A riddle! TK related

and you want to say with this...?
i agree with what you said. but there's always beyond. something you cannot see or imagine, something that your mental capability isnt enough to see or even learn. mankind is amazing creatures, humans. but it doesnt mean they can do anything. they achieved many things, and went through evolution through many processess and difficulties. but there's always something that cant be achieved. no matter how hard you try. Afcource you can achieve those, with mankind made technology and all, from maybe future, or even some nowadays. but still, not all of technology can surpass human brain.
And im already lost in conversation XD
havent been in this forum for ages and forgot whats the discussion... anyway..
Now if it comes to superpowers and such, human being might have, or might NOT have those.
You said before that animals act by their instinct.. you think humans dont? human being is animal too, simply "leveled up" easily said. evolved and tought. if you teach animal do certain things, it will. it will understand you and all. but if you grow by yourself amongst noone, just trees and plants with animals around.. you will become one of them.. and act by instinct. become aggressive like them, or even afraid.


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