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Posted By: Telekinesis could be real

Posted On: Jul 21, 2010
Views: 1470
Telekinesis possible

I say that telekinesis could be possible. I've done some research and one thing I have learned is the $1,000,000 prize for proving it exists has some things to it. Supposedly there isn't many ways to intefer with their judgement. They can say whatever they want the results for the test were. I personally do not know for sure. Another thing is, for those skeptics who run tests to only show how telekinesis can be faked and the facts that seem supicious, their good facts but you got to do both sides if you ask me. Look for reasons why telekinesis could be possible. Best of all, if your truly dedicated to finding the answer, see if you can do telekinesis. Also, I have seen some instances were someone says, they can't see why telekinesis has been tested. I found a piece of information saying once someone claimed they were capable of doing things with their mind, and they did run tests. Suppodesdly the subject was seperating the white and yellow of an egg. If this is true, then it would have had to be a skilled trick. I will say I very well agree that telekinesis can very well be faked, and I wouldn't be surprised if many videos are tricks, but look at the past. In the 1800's do you think they thought going to the moon was possible, probably not. Once if you said the world was round and not flat you were thought crazy. I do not know this for a fact, but from some research i've done, this is one way telekinesis could be real. It is already proven that everything in universe is energy, and if you pushed something, it would be energy against energy. The laws of the universe can be very difficult to understand. There could be laws we do not know yet even. Its hard to grasp this in my opinion, but based on suggestions, even thought is energy and so there forth you can use your thoughts(which are energy)to move something which is also energy. A popular belief is there is a part of the human brain this is dormant and it is just beginning to awake in mankind. This to me is possible because we humans use very little of our brains. If we truly our evolving to just now unlock this ability, then perhaps someday our ability will reach far beyond our imagination. I certianly beleive it is very possible that as we evolve we will use more of our brains. This could lead to of course, increased intellegence, the ability to see new colors, smell new things, and maybe even use the power of the mind to do things. So here is what I will sum up.

1. There has been test(s) with telekinesis before if my information is valid.

2. Just because there are those that fake telekinesis doesn't mean they all do. Grouping them all as invalid mind user's isn't right.

3. If I am correct, there are some certians reasons why no one has claimed the $1,000,000 to prove telekinesis is real, if it is.

4. We honestly do not know the limits and bounds of our race so as if we are evolving telekinesis could maybe be a new ability just beginning to uprise.

5. Why wouldn't it be possible we do not know a law of the universe or simply can't comprehend or haven't discovered something that makes telekinesis possible.

I'd like to say that I'm not trying to prove telekinesis is real, I would just like to say it wouldn't be a bad idea either to be open minded.

Posted By: Telekinesis could be real

Posted On: Jul 21, 2010
Views: 1467
RE: Telekinesis possible

Im sorry for my mistakes in typing, I should have proof read my topic.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jul 22, 2010
Views: 1460
RE: Telekinesis possible

If TK were real then it would be a very simple matter for someone to step foward and demonstrate it. Nobody has.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Jul 26, 2010
Views: 1449
RE: Telekinesis possible


TK has not been proven. its that simple. it would not be unreasonable to speculate that humans will evolve over time and learn to use a greater percentage of our mind, however evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years. when it boils down to it, Tk, telepathy, whatever you want to call it, at the current state of human development, simply does not exist.

Posted By: Karl

Posted On: Jul 29, 2010
Views: 1437
RE: Telekinesis possible

When I was a child I had a few “interesting” talents, but the more I look back at them I wonder if I was just imagining it all. One memorable occurrence was swinging my bedroom door back and forth a few inches… it was probably just the change in airflow and nothing more. As an adult I’ve tried a couple tests with stuff around the house. One was with a compass. I would put my hands near it and try to calm down and focus on the needle, sometimes it would move… then I realized that it was only reacting to my watch (I think of those comic photos with “FAIL” on them, lol). The few people that I’ve met that actually “admit” that they can levitate and whatnot were kinda out there in their reasoning and philosophies.

I remember reading a few articles on two types of brainwaves or rhythms that poses or possibly emit. One was the alpha (from birth to 5 or 6 I think) and the other was beta (the one we use as we mature). At the alpha rhythm we learn quickly and pretty much take everything in as truth. At the beta we’re more analytical and use what we’ve learned and filter out fact from fiction. This is a little off the subject (sorry) but I really do feel that telepathy is very possible. Now this is only my little hypothesis (not theory because I would need a lot of other people to back a common hypothesis) but I think that direct family have an ability to “sense” each other’s moods (especially twins or mothers) without any strongly measurable stimuli (sight, sound, smell, taste or touch). Now I know the military and law enforcement train persons on how to read expressions and such, but those are from expressions of body language. I also believe that you can again “sense” someone that you’re around a lot (like a spouse). But I can’t prove this to anyone and repeat it 100% every time. I’ve done some tests with my parents (like telling them to think of a color, base or secondary) so 1/6 probability that I would be correct, I end up being correct 80% of the time, yeah, that may be base psychology and I’m just good at guessing because they’re my parents but it’s still interesting.

Now looking at human physiology some researchers believe that we have some remains of electroreception in the development of facial structures. I think with some genetic manipulation or implants (scifi, lol) we could add extra senses or possibly build upon our existing senses (cognitive). So maybe one day we’ll find a field mouse that can “will” food into its mouth and steal that genome tech, hahaha.

For all that have failed in their endeavors to manipulate the world around them with thought alone, try lucid dreaming, it’s much more fulfilling!

Posted By: Telekinesis could be real

Posted On: Aug 3, 2010
Views: 1428
RE: Telekinesis possible

look adam yes i know that evolution takes a long time and im not trying make people think its real im trying to tell people to keep their minds open. Its become a society that to few people actually have open minds it hasn't been proven but anyone who has tried if they can really do it was probably simply pushed away as unreal, not only is it easy to fake telekinesis, it is easy as well for the audience to come up with ideas why it has to be fake, some of those people on u tube might be telling the truth, curenntly yes though, telekines is fake to what we can say, the more i research, the more i begin to think telekinesis isn't real.

Posted By: Telekinesis could be real

Posted On: Dec 20, 2010
Views: 1297
RE: Telekinesis possible

I turn this old topic of mine as invalid. I do not beleive in TK at all.

Posted By: travis

Posted On: Mar 14, 2011
Views: 1243
RE: Telekinesis possible

This is clear evidence that it is possible. In order for us to achieve it, it is out task to get the oscillation of our minds to interact with the oscillation of the target object(s)

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 15, 2011
Views: 1240
RE: Telekinesis possible

What on earth has that article got to do with TK?

Posted By: travis

Posted On: Mar 15, 2011
Views: 1238
RE: Telekinesis possible

It tells you why it's possible to mentally connect to an object, and move it without physically touching it.

Everything Oscillates at a certain frequency. If you are able to direct your mental energies toward the object, and basically "tune" them to the frequency that the object oscillates at, and amplify your directed energy enough to manipulate the particular objects' occurring oscillation, you can move the object without touching it physically.

Here's a perfect example: R/c (remote control) car, airplanes, or whatever craft, the Radio and receiver that operates the servos in the craft, and synchronized and tuned to each other by their crystals. Those crystals are basically just specifically cut sections of a quartz crystal (silicon dioxide). When you take a quartz crystal and cut a piece off of it, that piece oscillates at specific numerical point value of frequency. If you take another piece off of what you just removed, that point value of oscillation changes to a different specific frequency. So, it's all just a matter of mentally "tuning" in to the set frequency value of oscillation that the object you're wanting to move, resonates at.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 15, 2011
Views: 1236
RE: Telekinesis possible

"It tells you why it's possible to mentally connect to an object, and move it without physically touching it."

I saw nothing in that article that made any reference to mentally connecting to an object and moving it.
Would you care to point out where in the article that piece of pure crap is written?

Posted By: travis

Posted On: Mar 15, 2011
Views: 1234
RE: Telekinesis possible

Ok, well, It's just a simple matter of putting 2 and 2 together.

If you read that article on Oscillation, it specifically states that all matter Oscillates at a specific frequency. That means anything of material substance.
Radio waves do the same thing.
Radio waves transmitted and emitted from your brain, oscillate exactly in the same manner.

do I need to go any further? or is that fairly explanatory. : )

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Mar 16, 2011
Views: 1232
RE: RE: Telekinesis possible

You need to go a lot further!
You said that article claimed that it is possible to mentally connect to an object and move it. It didn't say anything like it, you just made it up.
You say the brain transmits radio waves but it doesn't transmit anything.
You are talking a load of crap.


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