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Posted By: aleks

Posted On: Apr 26, 2013
Views: 1099
bioenergy - moving people


I like a lot what I read on your site. It is great. I like you inteligent style :). You prove everything what you say.. I came here cause I wished to explore bioenergy, abbility to move people. My friend is going to one such expert and he is moving people there, although they fight against it, she says it is like a I wonder - is there a special way to do that? Is it real or just some kind of a trick? I need an opinion or explanation. Many people that went to that man have said he helped them very very much. When medicine can not help, he many times does..
So, is it proven that it is possible to move people against their will is there any explanation...
Last time I explored strange stuff it was said to me - there is nothing on our world, no miracles, no nothing...there is nothing..

Thank you!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 27, 2013
Views: 1096
RE: RE: bioenergy - moving people

Hi, I am afraid I do not understand what you mean. Bioenergy is energy derived from any biomass, where sunlight is stored, such as grass, wood, etc.
Bioenergy used by a man to "move people" doesn't make sense.
I can only assume that because your comment is on the Telekinesis page it has something to do with that? Could you please explain more please.

Posted By: aleks

Posted On: Apr 27, 2013
Views: 1094
RE: bioenergy - moving people

It looks I wrote in a strange way,sorry..he is a bioenergist and he does clean energy fields, and then he pulls people with his hands from a distance, so they bend themselves..he even provokes them to fight it, but they can is common they do that. I never searched for an explanation for this, till today. They all say it can be learned by anyone. I just wished to find a logical explanation, maybe it is like electricity +,-... Thanks :)

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 28, 2013
Views: 1092
RE: bioenergy - moving people

Thanks for your reply. I can explain what is going on here, it is a total fraud. Many people over the years have set themselves up pretending to have developed a "new energy" or whatever, that improves people in some mysterious way, or lets them see new dimensions, blind people seeing,the lame walking, etc. etc. It is all a load of nonsense of course based on human suggestibility. Put on a convincing enough performance in a commanding way with what appears to be a plausible explanation to those that should know better and many people will believe it.
Look up "Heaven's Gate" on Google and see how just two people can become convincing in making others believe an idea which is in fact pure nonsense, leading in this case to the mass suicide of all 39 members of the cult.
There are many examples of people being fooled into believing something that is not real, especially when it affects their bodies, they come to believe it is real even though it is only imaginary. It happens a lot. Your story is no different. Think of how a stage hypnotist manages to convince a subject that they cannot stand up, or that the object they are holding is growing so hot they drop it, or that they cannot stop their hands from rising above their heads, and so on. It is no different to your so called bioenergy when you think about it.
What you have described is nothing less than a stage trick.

Posted By: aleks

Posted On: Apr 28, 2013
Views: 1088
RE: bioenergy - moving people

yep..I thought so. There was time in my youth when I looked for something special, like miracles...aliens also :)..but then - when someone was missing, when someone needed help, when I needed help there was no magician, no superpowers nowhere to help :)..hmm...
maybe I will go to this bioenergist and see how he will move me.. Thank you for clearing my mind from a are a great magician..hihi :D

...but will tell you something, maybe there is really something with this bioenergy stuff. Two people that I know, one with huge skin disorder - improvement every time he comes to a bioenergist, not healed but improvement.., one with his sister almost died..she had only 36 kilograms then, until bioenergist came in his house...doctors can not explain, noone can..also one coworker has a child with huge allergies, that could not be healed...Bioenergist, who did not take no money did help... After people decide to give him money, whatever or maybe, just maybe it was just a coincidence in all three cases...or not :)
Umm..maybe I can tell you what I did and maybe made a huge problem to my imune system...after me playing with my thoughts when I was ill, trying to help my system with thinking on sending armies of protectors in my body... I got huge problems :(..for the first time my imune system just simply broke..

So maybe there is something huge we can do with our brains..maybe...

Anyway, thank you very very much for vasting your time, your life...on helping me with your opinion.
It is nice thought to believe in something...but also is good to know it is not real, but to beleive no matter we know not so bad at the end :)

p.s. ...I am bad - do you maybe have an idea how can a bioenergist bend you if you dont want it? If I will really go - I will go to the one who takes 30 eur for four sessions, cause he must rent a huge room ...I would maybe try to win over him and then bend him with my arms..hihi

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Apr 29, 2013
Views: 1085
RE: bioenergy - moving people

You have asked me the same question again and I have already answered it.
If you wish to go to one of those meetings and find out for yourself then why not? It's your money after all.

Posted By: aleks

Posted On: Apr 29, 2013
Views: 1081
RE: bioenergy - moving people

thank you for your time. Will investigate further on my own and maybe get some answers...


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