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Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Oct 5, 2004
Views: 769
The Debate

Cheney VS Edwards?

F*uck that debate was a lot closer than Bush VS Kerry Part I. I wasn't as satisfied with this one. They both made a lot of good points, but they were both talking circles around eachother and bringing one an other back down to the ground..... it will be an interesting day, November 3rd....

Posted By: chris

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 763
RE: The Debate

I tell you, that debate made me want Cheney as my president more than Bush. At least he sounded presidential, instead of jumbling his words, saying "it's hard" every five minutes, and generally looking like a doofus. This election is going to be interesting to say the least. I have a few thoughts:

1) Kerry wins big. If you look at the polls, they get I have a feeling this year that an enormous number of young adults are going to participate in the process this year. -A group that normally doesn't vote- The issues are relevent to them now, and with a huge push by celebs and organizations to get them to the voting booths, 90% of this group their numbers from people most likely to vote. will vote for Kerry.


2) Bush squeeks a win. The young voters will stay at home, despite the issues and the push to get them to the polls. The conservative base will vote for Bush, the dems will vote for Kerry. A little more than half of the 'undecidedes' will believe security is the most important issue and vote for Bush.

Those are my humble thoughts. Care to add?

Posted By: chris

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 762
RE: The Debate

my #1 got screwed up...it was supposed to say that Polls get their numbers from people who are most likely to vote. The polls usually dont include many young voters because as a group, they dont usually vote. This year, hopefully, they will.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Oct 6, 2004
Views: 753
RE: The Debate

Heres how the poll's work... I've been doing plenty of my research on the system this past year... I openly chalange anyone to a debate about the 'No Child Left Behind,' act. I have read and studied the entire thing, I know it inside and out... it's a bunch of bull****, and if anyone would like to defend it, bring it on.

Anyways, heres how the polls work.

When you register to vote, you register as your party usually Dem, Rep, Lib, or Other...such as communist or socialist if you're one of my wierd friends who likes being different. Anyhoo, they get your phone number when you register. The Polls, for the new year, are calling previously registered voters, and asking them who they are going to vote for. When they always say "This is not a scientific poll," that means "They were only calling republicans and asking if they're voting for Bush." Or democrats and kerry, respectivley, they're both the same concept though, and they're both innacurate.

With as close as the election was last year though, I don't think we really even need a huge boom of young voters supporting Kerry... I think if 10 our of every 100 newly registered young voters vote, then Kerry will win. And chances are, if they've gone out of their way to register, they're interested in voting. It's alreaty been established that no election has ever had this many young people registering. That has to say something. And depending on which side of the fence you're on. Something good.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Oct 7, 2004
Views: 740
RE: The Debate

I'll tell you how it is.

1) This election will have one of the lowest voter turnouts in history. The Democratic nomination this year had one of the lowest turnouts in voter history. It will happen, and history will prove me right.

2) Bush will win. Remember that the vast majority of states are not in play. Most people's vote doesn't matter. In the key swing states, Bush is winning.

3) After Bush wins, the Democrats will take the matter to court and claim disenfranchisement of minority voters.

Hey, the truth hurts. If anyone disagrees with me on any of these 3 points, save it. Talk to me in a month.

Posted By: jerry

Posted On: Oct 7, 2004
Views: 737
RE: The Debate

Quite the contrary...I think this years' election will see the highest voter turn out in recent years. The issues are too polorizing...Iraq, terrorism, the economy. Most people aren't apathetic to these issues, and hopefully, it will drive them to the polls.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Oct 7, 2004
Views: 733
RE: The Debate

I'm agreeing with Jerry, but we'll see in a month.

Posted By: Eloise

Posted On: Oct 8, 2004
Views: 723
RE: The Debate

To add to Syrgot's thoughts. Remember that we have the largest population of 18-34 year olds that we ever have had. They are the children of the baby boomers. This means that by default, we will have more registered voters in this age group, even if we have the same percentage the per head capita of reg voters will go up. I would look at the proportion of age group for comparison with other elections, not merely the numbers.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Oct 8, 2004
Views: 721
RE: The Debate

I notice how no one disagreed that the Democrats will go to court if Kerry doesn't win. Truthfully, it makes me sad to think that our system of government has come to this, politicians protesting elections in court.

I know I'll be right about voter turnout in this election. I predicted Kerry to win the Iowa caucas and everyone told me I was crazy. I know one correct prediction doesn't make me infallable, but if you look at the turnout in primaries in recent years, voter turnout is on the decline. I'll try and find a website with some stats on that.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Oct 8, 2004
Views: 716
RE: The Debate

Didn't you just say you werent going to argue your point and you would wait until November? I was really looking forward to someone, for once, not saying that they have the answer and giving their 'proof.' Three more weeks, just chill till then.

In regards to Kerry going to court if he loses. Bush will probably do the same if he loses... that's just how it works. You lose, you whine and try to change things.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Oct 8, 2004
Views: 708
RE: The Debate

I disagree. I don't think Bush would go to court if he loses. A part of me almost wants him to lose just to prove that.

Answer me one thing. How can any politician who really cares about the future welfare of the American public honestly be against creating individual social security accounts where citizens can watch their money grow and know that the government won't be able to spend it? Of all the issues before our government today, this is just plain great legislation. I wrote my Democrat Senator Bill Nelson and he said that "privatizing" (oh that nasty word they like to use!) social security would make it subject to market fluctuations and it would be safer in the hands of the federal government. One problem with that, the federal government isn't saving anything. They spend 100% of the social security surplus every year. Hell, you don't have to let me buy stocks with it, put it in a savings account or even government bonds. Just let it be mine.

Whatever your politics, any rational person has to realize this is a good idea. I just don't trust the government on this one, I'd rather get a statement every quarter showing the balance of my social security account.

