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Posted By: joe

Posted On: Aug 12, 2006
Views: 2182
kotor 3

in kotor 3 if there is one they should give u a choice if u want to be a sithe or jedi that would be damn cool

Posted By: rob

Posted On: Aug 12, 2006
Views: 2130
kotor is gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in the game u can not attack who ever you feel like i mean the ****ing system is gay

Posted By: Andy

Posted On: Jul 26, 2006
Views: 2732
So- So

The gameplay was cool but the ending I hated

Posted By: Daniel

Posted On: Jul 4, 2006
Views: 2268
kotor is the best!!

kotor lets you be evil or good i love the story and its very innovative and kinda creepy in some parts!!
some people think its sh*t because you dont attack the comp but thats sumtimes not a bad thing!!
kreia is a creepy witch (like my mom but who cares)
I GAVE IT A 1!!!

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 13, 2006
Views: 3020
KOTOR is gay!!!

KOTOR 2 is gay because you cant attack on your own the fu××ing computer does it for U. If you could control everything the Jedi could do then I would love it. Does anyone agree?

Posted By: game idiot 08

Posted On: Jun 9, 2006
Views: 2551
freaking the best star wars game ever

u dumb f'n idiots that said ten!!! ten is the worst!!! i gave this game a 2!! the first kotor is better beacuse it is easyer!!!!! XBOX F'N MAG RULES F'RS

Posted By: Haxxer

Posted On: Apr 29, 2006
Views: 3054
kotor 3

I loved the 1st kotors but in the next 1 can u please choose side like at the start 2 be good or bad that would be cool!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: pazuzu

Posted On: Apr 4, 2006
Views: 3284

god damn best graphics i have ever seen on any console.i just got this game on 4.3.06 and it's....all that graphics....wonderful.

Posted By: pazuzu

Posted On: Feb 27, 2006
Views: 5376
review roundup

where the hell can i find the review roundup that the staff at oxm unconsideratley removed from our beloved oxm's.also why do guys hype stuff up to much.sometimes it can get very misleading.for instance you talk about future games as if it's a whole new dimension of gaming and when they are released you guys act change your vies and comments about the games. what's up with that?

Posted By: warcrime

Posted On: Feb 22, 2006
Views: 4273
why don't you

why don'''t you go over to the PS3 web page and give your two cents worth i for one like the xbox 360 .don't come over here to a xbox room and say the ps3 is aaawwwssooommmmeeeeeeee becouce its not and nether are you :{

Posted By: Slim Shady

Posted On: Feb 12, 2006
Views: 3800

PS3 is awssssssssoooooommmmmmeeeeee so is Res4!!!!!!!!

Posted By: Sith Lord

Posted On: Feb 9, 2006
Views: 1799
voting scale

This is the only site that rates on a 10 scal with 1 being best They need to bold and highlight 1 is best i should have voted a 1 as I am sure a lot of other people meant to

Posted By: Chris Vieweg

Posted On: Jan 25, 2006
Views: 2310
Thsi game goes in numba 2

Thsi game kicks ass
Everybody should vote Rank 2![put it in 2 because of Halo 2-gets 1]
If you havent played thsi your a stupid PS2 noob and you have no idea what your mising

Posted By: *SlC*

Posted On: Jan 21, 2006
Views: 2068
game kicks ass

best game ever played can't wait for the next one (i give it a 1 out 10 lol )

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Aug 20, 2005
Views: 10874
Star Wars: KotOR in general

In general, both games were great. But because the second one was basically a big add on with a different story was a little disapointing. It was, a great game athough. Really easy to get into. I spent many sleepless nights getting through Onderon. It was irritating, but easily my favorite level. But, my favorite will always be the origional. It was the most well crafted RPG on the X-box of it's day. And today is still part of a living legand, it's in the Hybird Class. Halo, Battlefield, America's Army, (ha, I'm an FPS nut) and such. It's just fun, because more advanced gamers can challenge themselves yet it's simple enough to get the hang of so a kid of 6 could play it. KotOR is a great game, in my opinion.

Second Lieutenant Tyler Jordan of the United States Army

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