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Posted By: still looking

Posted On: Dec 7, 2004
Views: 837
Dept. of Education

Since I'm a teacher, I'd like to see this one. Let America see No Child Left Behind in action.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Dec 8, 2004
Views: 831
RE: Dept. of Education

That dept. is a joke anyway. It's not the teachers fault, there's just not enuf funding. I was always ****ed in highschool sience classes when we did the same things we did in Jr. High. I wanted something new, or at least more complicated. I was also angry about holding the whole class up becouse of this one person that couldent get it. I'm sorry you dont comprehend what specific heat is, but I want to get to the reactants.

I think the kids in English class felt the same way about me. I love to read just about anything. But for something written I type it and spellcheck three times.

Posted By: Buff-ay

Posted On: Dec 8, 2004
Views: 825
RE: Dept. of Education

still looking,

Do you agree with the No Child Left Behind ACT?

Posted By: Rox

Posted On: Dec 8, 2004
Views: 823
RE: Dept. of Education

no, i think we should start leaving children back more often if they can't make the cut. maybe the embarassment of being 19 in 8th grade will get them to finally do what it takes and take their education seriously.

most of this country's education problems are not the fault of "lack of funding" or "bad teachers"... it is the fact that the parents don't care. they don't go to parent-teacher conferences. they don't talk to their kids about what they're doing in school. they leave their kids in the hands of day-care or they sit them in front of a tv or video game all day because it makes them easier to deal with. well guess what? YOUR child is YOUR responsibility. if they're a dumbass and there is no medical reason for it, then it's YOUR fault.

kids today are not getting one thing that they seriously need: discipline.


Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Dec 8, 2004
Views: 805
RE: Dept. of Education

No child left behind is a joke. If you actually read the bill it's horrible.

Theres a big list of schools, schools at the bottom of the list don't get new kids because they're doing poorly on the test things. They get more funds, new supplies, all that, until they start doing better. Once they get higher on the list, they stop getting the good funds, and the new supplies, but they also get all the new kids sent to them. Do you see how this doesnt work?

Posted By: carl

Posted On: Dec 8, 2004
Views: 799
RE: Dept. of Education

also, they gov. excepts ESL students to perform and that grade level when some have only been in the US for 1 year.

Posted By: still looking

Posted On: Dec 9, 2004
Views: 783
RE: Dept. of Education

To answer your question, I think the intentions behind the act are good because sure, all students excelling sounds wonderful. However, I don't agree with the way it's being done.

ps - I'm in class right now :)

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Dec 9, 2004
Views: 781
RE: Dept. of Education

For the love of God, get as many kids as possible out of government schools! Not only is the quality of education horrible, they're turning into indoctrination centers!

Just another example of how government is not the answer.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Dec 9, 2004
Views: 777
RE: Dept. of Education

You're the biggest right wing nut job in the world, yet you're saying government is not the answer? How the hell does that work?

Posted By: Mr. Wizard

Posted On: Dec 9, 2004
Views: 771
RE: Dept. of Education

How is that possible? Easy. There is a gerbil running on a wheel in his head. The wheel runs a generator that sends power to the 3 synaptic circuits that make up his brain. Under normal conditions the gerbil runs at a constant speed generating a steady charge. Bob goes about his usual life of drooling and staring at shiny objects.

Sometimes the electrical system is overloaded by an outside source. It can be as simple as a buildup of static electricity when he puts on a sweater or as extreme as a 110 volt current from when he sticks his tongue in an outlet. The extra current overloads the synapses and they begin to fire rapidly out of sync. The effect is similar to one seen when a remote control car goes out of range from the control signal. If you had one of these as a kid you remember the car would suddenly go nuts, jerking around and the steering would turn all the way in one direction. In this case, Bob's 'steering' cranks all the way to the right and he involuntarily spews out a bunch of gibberish that doesn't make any sense. If you hooked a battery up to an earthworm and it jumped up yelling "You left wing liberal son-of-a-bitch!", biologically it would be the same thing except the earthworm brain is more developed of course.

Eventually the current will dissipate and Bob will return to his normal routine. A simple electrical shock may only last a few minutes. However, if he is licking 9-volt batteries again, it can last for weeks.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Dec 10, 2004
Views: 765
RE: Dept. of Education

It's liberals that look toward government to solve all the problems in society. Social security, medicare, welfare, unemployment, aid for single mothers, disability - all these programs are vote buying machines for Democrats. Get the government out of everything. If that view makes me a right wing nut, then so be it.

Besides I don't really care, I got some strange last night.

Posted By: Rox

Posted On: Dec 10, 2004
Views: 763
RE: Dept. of Education

"You're the biggest right wing nut job in the world, yet you're saying government is not the answer? How the hell does that work?"

are you therefore saying that the government should solve all of your problems for you? You want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people to control every aspect of your life? That is not "Liberal" that is "Communist". People today are taking less and less responsibilty for their own actions and putting a greater and greater drain on society as a whole. welfare, social security, the failing public schools, all of these are simply symptoms of the fact that nobody is taking responsibility for themselves anymore.

Posted By: Bob Dole

Posted On: Dec 10, 2004
Views: 760
RE: Dept. of Education

Hey Rox,

Thanks for getting my back. Glad I was able to get your's last night.