ODDTODD.COM - 2ND ANNUAL HOLIDAY PET CONTESTAMUNDO -> Why are people voting for Hanz?Start A New Topic | Reply
Post InfoTOPIC: Why are people voting for Hanz?
Posted By: Brad

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1552
Why are people voting for Hanz?

He's a dog who's just sitting there. Is he doing something funny, is he dressed up, does he look particularely unique or interesting at all? NO! Vote for Donna. Donna's frickin awesome, man. Go Donna!


Posted By: Brad

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1547
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

Okay, I just read a lot of the board and I have come to the conclusion that Hanz's owner is cheating. Period. I mean, the idea of him winning this contest is so completely boggles the mind and ****es me off in ways I simply cannot describe. The contest's supposed to be a fun fair contest and some a-hole and his group come in with their dog and bombard the friggin poll so they can get the 50 bucks? What the freakin hell?


Posted By: Barb and Axel

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1536
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

I voted for Hanz because I just so happen to like the picture. Imagine that... All the pictures are adorable. Last time I checked the Passo Stunati Aldente Bambi had 202 votes at 12%, Starbuck had 155 votes at 9% and Hanz had 228 votes at 13%...I guess they all must be cheating to be so close in numbers????
I mean...geesh 26 votes separate the first and second place..whew..thats alot (sarcasm if you can't tell)
Barb and Axel

Posted By: moogle832

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1530
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

I hope Pazzo wins, so Im voting everyday for him. And i hope everyone here does too.

Posted By: Barb and Axel

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1520
RE: RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

I thought you were only allowed two votes per household? What do you mean you are voting for Pazzo every day? That's not fair. If we can vote every day..then I will have to inform my friends of that so they can come back and vote again and again and again. Of course I will ask the OddTodd person first about this.
Barb and Axel

Posted By: me

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1513
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

wow u all are weird. i didnt enter a pet, but my cat is the cutest. who cares about someone else's pet?

Posted By: Professor Plumb

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1482
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

Whay cool man!

I know that I could vote more than once, but I happen to have a personnel stake in this event, so I don't, why would I need to? I KNOW my friends doggy-kitty is the coolest pet that I, I, I know!!!

This post reminds me of a bike I used to own...Huffy

From the dungeon lair of HufflePuff Graduate School,
your friend in the animal kingdom,
Barry Otter,
aka Christian C. Crane

P.S. http://www.boingboing.net for those of ewe who feel sheepish by slamming someone else's pet. 4Shame!!! Spelled conjuctively: Foreshame.
P.P.S. this seems like a deja vu of a deja vu. For those torch bearers out there, remember that all that separates "friend" from "fiend" is "r" as in GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRowl...

Posted By: Professor Plumb

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1481
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

That's right, this is supposed to be a 'appy occasion...why else did you think you'd win a free car...all of these pets are car(d)s obviously.

Sorry for the tortured grammmmmmar; (R) sometimes its the only way for me to get my point acrosssssss = +

Who let those Slytherin Snakes into this contest, anyway?

Emily E. O. Hapnamanshank-gorgus
aka 'da lovely

Posted By: Susan B. Anthony

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1475
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

Dear Professor,
your wisdom will be heard on these boards.
We all humbly thank you!

Posted By: not right

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1458
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

I've shown this thing to several people and everyone was surprised that people are voting for Hanz. And we are all dog lovers. So I don't care what the owners say, something is going on here.

Posted By: Nikki fan

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1454
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

I voted for Nikki. Hanz is not festive at all. I smell scam as well.

Posted By: visitor

Posted On: Dec 31, 2004
Views: 1430
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

I voted for Lemmy, cause her owner has "those" !!!!!

Posted By: Professor Plumb

Posted On: Jan 1, 2005
Views: 1381
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?


I'd tell you I love ewe but I've taken a vow of silence...

Professor Plumb

Signing off, screaming in/at the wilderness!!!

Posted By: Tori

Posted On: Jan 1, 2005
Views: 1377
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

i cant believe people are upset because someone else's pet is winning?????

Hanz is a beautiful dog

just because he has numerous votes does not mean any one is cheating really now! be adults
the contest as someone pointed out is about a $50.00 prize

that just screams poor sportsmanship and immaturity

Posted By: Dan

Posted On: Jan 2, 2005
Views: 1354
RE: Why are people voting for Hanz?

Everyone: don't be fooled - Barb and Axel are Hanz's owners. Yuck!

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