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Posted By: This is way biased

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 1035
Honest Opinion Of This Contest

Okay, in my opinion, the picture of Hanz looks like a 1970's Christmas card sent out by the police department. Hanz got more than 80% of his votes in the first day that the polls came out. He's a handsome dog, I'll give you that. But this was definitely rigged. After watching the polls throughout this contest, I would award Hanz's owners a $50 dollar gift certificate only for having the most contacts. That dog is completely unoriginal. Pazzi? You're cute, but lack flavor. You look like a picture I'd recieve over from some pet lover friend who's cat happened to look like you. Your composition is good, but you lack flavor.

Everyone's pets are great, Hanz and Pazzi you're included, but think about the whole reason behind this contest... Originality. Not cuteness.

It's a little late to change to vote, but whatever. Just wanted to get my opinion out there.

Posted By: Said it once, say it again

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 1028
RE: Honest Opinion Of This Contest

Just to back this against future attacks, Barb and Axel, questions for you: Who is the canine you've been supporting this entire time??

Your answer???:
Hanz!! We heart Hanz!!

No.... I'm sorry...

The correct answer is: WHO GIVES A ****!!??


Posted By: Professor Plumb

Posted On: Jan 10, 2005
Views: 999
RE: Honest Opinion Of This Contest

The following is an excerpt from my favorite book of poems by Georgian poet T. Mashosveeli. Mashosveeli (I think I am doing the name right, can't remember, check amazon) has been called by "jazz mystic" S. Loescher, "...even more jabber-wocky-ish than M. Kundera in his more 'out there' moments.' Read the stanza below to see if you agree:

When credulity is grasped,
i t becomes incredulous!
When a jewel is clasped
i t becomes "in-bed-with-us!"

You can find other gems like this in his book, "What" is the subject of this sentence, and the color of this painting: Power/tree on the eve of post-post-modern nullification of the subject/Object real-lay-shun-ship, or, 'How to really love 'da bom!'"