Post InfoTOPIC: Ethical Concept
Posted By: HannaCooper

Posted On: Feb 16, 2021
Views: 212
Ethical Concept

Medicine practice has in many ways changed to bring out the relevance of ethical principles. Study of medicine intervenes in methods that previously were not possible; clients are more informed, there are more common litigations; physicians need awareness of the cost effect of their services to the society, they have to dedicate their jurisdiction to their institution, the health fraternity and the state. Medical behavior and ethics concern the way to carry out problems arising from the patients care. Mostly, the decisions of clinics must take into consideration the medical condition of their clients.
The ethics is not the only area dealing with these problems. Theology and law also recommend for certain ethics. Ethical concepts include equality, respect, honesty, integrity and justice. In case of complicated cases, an ethical dialogue is required. Therefore, it is not ethically acceptable to kill someone to get the pay; they are on advanced stages of their illness. Complicated cases of ethical relevance require argument based on a different perspective. The question that arises from this is whether the practice is justifiable. There are certain issues and conditions that involve clients or patients suffering from unrelenting terminal diseases. Some of the doctors plead to end their lives to stop their sufferings.
Ethical Concepts
Based on the article Final Ethics Scenario, there are various relevance ethical concepts that were highlighted.
The fact that Gabriella so circumstanced to experience diabetes, which is an intense terminal disease, the most significant concept of ethics that is relevant to this scenario is an ethical concept of cruelty. Cruelty is defined as a causing to distress or pain. Cruelty causes suffer to others or disposition to impose on other people. In this scenario, it means causing that will result to unnecessary pain. It signifies an innocent person like Gabriella to suffer when the physician is empowered to alleviate her pain. This scenario involves sacrificing anything that has equal value.
Respect of Life
Another concept that is relevant to this article is the essence of life, which describes it as the life being good in its own capacity. It means that life should be respected. Under this circumstance, some people would refer to terminating life by people under any scenario or circumstance. Therefore, a person who is able to reason should conclude otherwise. Also, preparations to state this reasoning in detail is needed in explaining the ethical issues and concepts relevance. A physician needs to demonstrate that he has given serious scrutiny to other options on the issue. He needs to present the most relevant and important facts to the case. The physician needs to undertake what a good thinker would opt in supporting the reasoning on any problem. The idea that a problem is ethical does not signify abandoning commitment rational thought.
Respect for Autonomy
Autonomy is the sense of self-determination. It acknowledges individuals rights to make decisions based on their own beliefs and values. Additionally, it involves giving a person opportunities and conditions to exercise autonomy. This exercise is practices on the basis of obtaining consent. Autonomy can be overridden by moral considerations that are competing. For instance, if a choice of an individual endangers health of the public, the autonomy of that person is restricted.
The foundation of justice, peace and freedom in the universe dwells on the inalienable rights and equality in recognizing dignity inherently. Human rights contempt and disregard results into barbaric actions that outrage mankind conscience.
The experience with diseases such as diabetes may have resulted to issues of financial security and practical issues such as daily commitment and health insurance. The ongoing disease may involve the drug and medical cost. Therefore, the patient can seek help from the assistive programs, private insurance or even federal programs. Also, he might consider hiring a lawyer, tax accountant or a financial advisor in discussing the implications and effect on finances
To develop practice of cultural sensitivity is the first step. The health care team should consider sensitivity to culture of diverse beliefs, learn about their patients beliefs; stereotyping should be avoided, the amount of the cultural diverse clients in making a decision should be increased, and finally, the professionals of health care should understand the differences in culture and beliefs of its clients.
Once the ethic concept of cruelty is recognized as a relevant concept, one ethical remedy becomes very clear: fight to act to end or reduce the unnecessary suffering and pain of the innocent client or patient or creature. Having this ethical trait with us, we can finally decide in what capacity, in any scenario, refuse to help a suffering patient should be taken as cruel and in what extent it should not.
Every individual is entitled to freedom, and right declared, without any distinction of race, sex, language, political, birth, and social origin. Also, every individual irrespective of originality needs adequate health and his families well-being.
Autonomy respect needs not to be construed as a fundamental value or as an absolute. It should be the main concept that requires respect from every individual. Respect is paramount on individual autonomy in his own right. Health care should never assist in euthanasia, suicide or any action that oppose the integrity, principle, and conscience of its professional.

When reasoning to complicated ethical questions, ethical reasons need to come up with ethical concepts and facts that are relevant to those puzzles and apply the concepts in a manner that is well reasoned. When concluding, they need plausible routines of handling the issue to the best of their ability. Due to their intellectual abilities, they come up with the ability to differentiate when the questions of ethics are clear and when not. When the issues of ethics are not clear, it is crucial to perform ethical judgment that is perfect.
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