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Post InfoTOPIC: What kind of customer service do they offer?
Posted By: Xqwas

Posted On: Apr 4, 2023
Views: 127
What kind of customer service do they offer?

What kind of customer service do they offer, and how do they handle any complaints or issues with orders?

Posted By: Polka

Posted On: Apr 4, 2023
Views: 126
RE: What kind of customer service do they offer?

Japanese Medicines prides itself on providing excellent customer service. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and are happy to provide advice and guidance on the best products for each individual's needs https://japanese-medicines.com/ . They are also responsive to any complaints or issues with orders, and work to resolve them quickly and efficiently. Customers can contact them via phone or email, and can expect a timely and helpful response.

Posted By: Auye Auye

Posted On: Apr 4, 2023
Views: 125
RE: What kind of customer service do they offer?

Japanese Medicines prides itself on providing excellent customer service. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable, and are happy to provide advice and guidance on the best products for each individual's needs https://japanese-medicines.com/. They are also responsive to any complaints or issues with orders, and work to resolve them quickly and efficiently. Customers can contact them via phone or email, and can expect a timely and helpful response.