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Posted By: Joe

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 708
Prank Calls to Mr. Bergis

Remember those guys call Mr. Bergis about the gay school? Well here are some more prank calls to him.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 706
RE: Prank Calls to Mr. Bergis

Thanks! I loved the other one, keep sending these, please! :)

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 700
RE: Prank Calls to Mr. Bergis

nothing beats that first one though lol

i think its probly staged...this guy cant be that stupid...same guys each time,


"i dont think we can call back haha... we have to"
then they plat teh commercial again! haha

ball sucker wasnt as good as terd burglard and clam lickin whore LOL!

Posted By: Magoto

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 666
RE: Prank Calls to Mr. Bergis

Democrat ball sucker! LOL