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Posted By: Carlito Carribean Cool

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 626
here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

you know what makes me feel good? biting an apple, chewing it, then spitting it in an uncool guy's face! that just makes me so proud!

Posted By: GirlUWant and adam

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 625
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

You are not invited to our wedding on April 1 in Las Vegas!

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 623
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

On second thought...we could use a pinata at the reception!

Posted By: carzy aka (kurdt cobain from nirvana)

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 621
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

girlyouwant kool wedding area las vegas rules missoula kick ass thoght and cralito cool you suck ass

Posted By: jimi hedrix (purple haze)

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 620
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

i agree with every carzy said every word

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 618
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

I spent a week in Missoula, Montana! I wanted to move there so bad! I saw a guy at Taco Bell that had no shirt on, and he had his bike. It looked like he hadn't combed his hair in three or four months. It was all matted up like a Sheltie! I then, understood what a "Granola" was!

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 616
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

it is true automated program that posts retarded stuff with little variation each week

Posted By: Drew

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 610
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

Exactly. I bet if you compiled all of his messages you would find some kind of logical pattern in the dates posted, words replaced, etc. Computers are fascinating.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 604
RE: here's to ridding the world of uncool people!

watch, it turns into something logical and amazing...