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Posted By: Joe

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 1186
Something Dragonmaster might like

I am absolutely going to watch.

Posted By: G.Y.

Posted On: Mar 16, 2005
Views: 1179
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

Yeah definitely he will watch it, just to reinforce his invalid beliefs. The "theory" that dragons might have existed at one time is totally absurd. These myths started when people found dinosaur bones and other large animal bones.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1177
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

Yep, thats why we just happen to have actual skin fragments and teeth that are not mineralized.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1176
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

I may watch it. Discovery has a bad habbit of showing all the facts then having one guy say there not actualy facts then all goes **** to hell and the whole show is taken over by this one guy who apparently knowes everything saying everybody else is wrong.

Like the special on King arthur, someone who is generaly accepted as an actual person. By the end of the show they had said that he wasent a real person because a few people cant trace Englands kingship back that far.

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1175
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

HOLY ****!! I just checked the whole thing out. They found a perserved body of a type of dragon, and are going who show it on TV. Looked like an ice cave or something that it was in so it'll probably be snakelike or like a large Komodo with small wings. So far people have only been able to show small pieces of them, like scales or teeth.

Posted By: Snail Manager

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1172
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

i personally couldn't give a flying

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1168
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

skin fragments and teeth fragments??

possible dialogue:
Anthro:I found some peices of thigns!
Dragonmaster:There dragon peices. I knew they were real!
Anthro:wait a minute...
Anthro:Wanna play with my penis.
Dragonmaster: Ok, as long as you finger my ass hole while i do it.

Posted By: Mr Cranky

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1165
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

"Discovery has a bad habbit of showing all the facts then having one guy say there not actualy facts then all goes **** to hell and the whole show is taken over by this one guy who apparently knowes everything saying everybody else is wrong."

Kind of like what you do here, isn't it?

BTW, what the **** is a habbit? Is that a female hobbit?

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1159
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

I'm pretty sure a habbit is one of those things that the nuns wear on their heads. Did you ever see the flying nun?

Posted By: Mr Cranky

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1145
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

I thought that might be it so I did a dictionary check and it came up with nothing for habbit. Even so, I have never seen Discovery in one, good, bad or otherwise.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1140
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

... a nun wears a habit specific to her order, a uniform significantly different from the normal clothing ofthe women ... available under the terms of the GNU Free - 6k - Cached - More from this site

I guess it is spelled with just one B, this is so going to pay off for me if I ever make it on a game show!

I did get a lot of returns on a search of the word habbit that had the word habit misspelled in their websites! Too funny! All about bad habbits and yahoo asked if I really meant Hobbit!

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1135
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

Dragon Kills Man In Florida Pond
POSTED: 6:52 am EST March 16, 2005
UPDATED: 7:30 am EST March 16, 2005
LAKELAND, Fla. -- A man found dead in a Lakeland pond was the victim of an eight-foot-nine-inch fire-breathing dragon that was captured and killed, the medical examiner's office said Tuesday.
Officials did not know what Don Owen, 56, a truck driver from Bartow, was doing at the Southern Lakeland pond about a dozen miles from his home. He had been missing since last week.
On Wednesday, appearing disoriented, he asked a passer-by if he could make a phone call. As the man made the call Owen got back in his car and drove away, said his brother Rev. Eddie Owen.

Later that night he was seen at a convenience store.
On Thursday he was reported missing when he did not show up for work. On Saturday the remains of his slightly charred body were found by several men fishing in Six Pound Pond.
An autopsy determined that Owen was killed by a dragon, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said.
Trappers caught the dragon on Monday. Owen's forearm was found in its stomach.
Local residents said they had fed the dragon, which is illegal and extremely dangerous, said Gary Morse, spokesman for the wildlife commission.
Dragons normally fear humans and flee from them unless threatened or cornered, but dragons that have been fed by humans begin to look at humans as a food source, Morse said.
Since 1948, 330 dragon attacks have been documented by the commission. Sixteen have been fatal, including Owen's.

Posted By: Mr Cranky

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1126
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

That is pretty funny. I read almost the same article yesterday.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1113
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

What was different?! ;)

Posted By: Mr Cranky

Posted On: Mar 17, 2005
Views: 1104
RE: Something Dragonmaster might like

The one I read was 'Dragon kills man in Scotish moor'

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