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Post InfoTOPIC: I Confess
Posted By: Joe

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1179
I Confess

I liked the movie Hook with Ribin Williams and Dustin Hoffman! I think Hoffman played a perfect Captain Hook! There I said it! That makes me feel better now.

Posted By: Joe

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1178
RE: I Confess

WTF I remember spelling Robin Williams right, Oh well.

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1173
RE: I Confess

lol, that happens to me all the time.

I'll have to watch that one.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1172
RE: I Confess

That movie sucked! I didn't even watch the whole thing..

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1169
RE: I Confess

nevermind then.

Speaking of movies, i've never seen all of the Starwars movies (only the newer ones and one of the first, something about a bunch of dwarves with fur dancing in a forest didn't seem like starwars), so i bought them all (friggen expencive) and I'm going to get all vegative and watch them all tomorrow.

Posted By: Herm

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1165
RE: I Confess

The last three are timeless classics. The first three piles of chunky shit. It's a shame you watched those first.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1162
RE: I Confess

Star Wars sucks, too! Of course, I am a chick, and I love chick flicks! The Notebook is the best! Actually, I think Dragonmaster would love it!

Posted By: Dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1153
RE: I Confess

"you've got mail" was realy good.

13 going on 30 was pretty good also.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1150
RE: I Confess

Dude, I have seen both of those movies multiple times! You've Got Mail is the ultimate Chick Flick and 13 going on 30 made me a Jennifer Garner fan for sure! Have you seen Jersey Girl, since we're on a roll here...?

Posted By: Mr Cranky

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1132
RE: I Confess

I also confess. I confess that I EAT POOP FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!!

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1128
RE: I Confess

Obviously not the real Cranky!

Posted By: Mr Cranky

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1121
RE: I Confess

No, of course not. I have been watching Sebring on TV most of the day.

Posted By: adamite

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1116
RE: I Confess

you mean Sebrina the teenage witch? you are SOO gay.

Posted By: Joe

Posted On: Mar 19, 2005
Views: 1100
RE: I Confess

WTF is Sebring?

Posted By: dragonmaster

Posted On: Mar 20, 2005
Views: 973
RE: I Confess

i havent seen Jersey Girl yet. This girl at work is trying to get me to watch something called "the L word" she thinks it's realy good (so i'll like it even if it sucks) but she said i have to start from the begining and she can tape them all for me.

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