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Posted By: Too Late

Posted On: May 3, 2005
Views: 599

little bit-o-myself....

I grew up playing baseball. I loved it. I never was a huge fan of the professional game, but I could have played it 12 hours a day every day, rain or shine. I stopped playing in high school and genreally become disatisfied with team sports. I began to bike and ski and until recently I prefered individual sports. I occasionally get a chance and watch college baseball (Go Cardinal!!)

My love of baseball was recently re-kindled by my oldest son. He is playing t-ball this year and I have fallen for baseball again. His enthusiasim and general 'cutentess' kills me. On game days, he wears his uniform and cleats from the moment he gets up. I only hope his love of the game last at least as long as mine did.

The best baseball improvement would be turning back the clock to the 1930s (sans the segregation, othe rsocial injustices) and having players who play for the enjoyment of the game, not the money. cliche and impossible but true.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 595
RE: basball

Do you ever go to college baseball?

I go to the local university baseball games with my dad, as well as football games. Football will pack out the 50,000 seat stadium and the attendance of a baseball games is probably a few hundred. You have to pay a small fortune to go to the football game, plus pay a lot for parking. You can park for free for baseball and the tickets are like 8 bucks.