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Post InfoTOPIC: Silly Sally
Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1482
Silly Sally

Ha, this game will drive you crazy. It's about Silly Sally. She likes some things, but not others. I will make a few statements, then you make one and I will check back and tell you if it's right or not. Once you get it, go ahead and help people but don't give the secret away! Some people get it quickly, it took me about an hour of solid thought the first time I heard it but trust me it is solid fun.

So here we go.

Silly Sally likes cooking, but she doesn't like eating
She likes books, but she doesn't like reading
She likes hookers, but she doesn't agree with prostitution.
She does weed but she's against drugs.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1476
RE: Silly Sally

She likes cars, but she doesn't like to driving.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1475
RE: RE: Silly Sally

...doesn't like driving...that is what I meant

She likes cars, but she doesn't like driving.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 4, 2005
Views: 1466
RE: Silly Sally

nope she doesnt like cars and she hates driving

Posted By: Snrub

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1459
RE: Silly Sally

Can either of you guys tell me what the hell this thread is about, is Sally GirlUWants real name or something. I'm just trying to find the point and/or humor.

Posted By: septic

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1456
RE: Silly Sally

Silly Sally is a hypocrite

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1454
RE: Silly Sally

silly sally isnt a hypcrite, and she is not guw!

keep trying!

Posted By: wiggletwitch

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1447
RE: Silly Sally

silly sally likes things with double letters!

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1443
RE: Silly Sally

She owns an elephant tusk necklace, but she is against poaching.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1442
RE: Silly Sally

This shit is bananas!

Posted By: Buff-ay

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1432
RE: Silly Sally

Silly Sally Snorts Coke, but hates being up all night...

...is this right?

Posted By: Silly Sally

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1429
RE: Silly Sally

Silly Sally likes feet, but doesn't have a foot fetish.
Silly Sally likes sheep, but insn't into beastiality.
Silly Sally likes to drink blood, but isn't a real vampire.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1421
RE: Silly Sally

haha NOPE noone has figured it out yet...

she does not like double letters...

she does not own a elephant tusk necklace

this sht is not B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Silly Sally does not do drugs, she doesnt liek coke.

She hates feet, and no foot fetish

She does not like sheep

She does not like to drink blood...

haha sorry everyone! keep trying! some are close but i wont say who

Posted By: Silly Sally

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1416
RE: Silly Sally

Are you sure you are even playing right? It is usually either double letters or nouns/verbs. Your example doesn't work for nouns/verbs though.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 5, 2005
Views: 1414
RE: Silly Sally

it is nothing like that...keep thinking

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