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Post InfoTOPIC: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help
Posted By: Moogle

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 675
Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help

Ok, just bought the stragety guide for Final Fantasy 9. It said that all I had to do was go to www.playonline.com to register and I can use the keywords in the book to find out about optional bossfights and sidequests. BULL****, I go to the site and all that is there is the Final Fantasy 11 online thing. I try to e-mail them and no good there, you have to already be registered, but there is nowhere to register, when you do go through 6 pages you come up at a page where you can resigter, but it's "coming soon". WTF? Why is Gamestop selling this **** in bundles if you cant even use it?

Ok, so they could have moved the site, or taken it off, but I read all the updates and nothing is there but the FF11 ****, (hate online games in the first place)

Anybody know? I'm realy ****ed that I bought this ****.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 674
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help

god damn it!

Posted By: Moogle

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 671
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please hel

What? Thats what I said when I went there.

Posted By: James

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 660
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please hel

Gameshark ****nut.

Posted By: James

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 659
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please hel

Well, Action Replay now, forgot they were bought out.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 651
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help

moogle...james is dragonmaster,,,just so you know

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 646
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help

I looked at that site, and they do have a phone number listed under one of the menus, like customer support or something like that.

Can you not get your money back?

Posted By: Moogle832

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 634
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help

ahhHH! Change your name!! I was here first....

Posted By: Moogle

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 630
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please hel

Sorry, I use another name here and forgot about yours. Didn't want to ruin my rep.

Posted By: Joe

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 620
RE: Arg, I just waisted $20, all gamers please help

'I just WAISTED...'

Gee, I wonder who you really be?