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Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1154
tornado siren

the skies are black as hell and the tornado siren is going off...its amazingly loud
and that creeps the hell out of me..

way to keep me safe, i think im going to have a heart attack!

Posted By: miargo

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1151
RE: tornado siren

better take a shit now so you don't crap your pants when youre 100 feet up in the air screaming for your mommy

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1148
RE: tornado siren

LOL thats the best thing ive heard in a while lol

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1145
RE: tornado siren

Are you serious? Do you even have tornados up there? There have been more tornadoes on May 16 than any other day of the year. The only reason that I retained that in memory is because my mom's birthday is May 16 and mine is May 17.

We had a basement growing up and I loved it when the tornado sirens went off because all the neighbors came over to our house! Living in Oklahoma, you just get used to it.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1143
RE: tornado siren

no we dont...well there was one way up north once that did a little bit of damage

i lived way out in the woods at the time and we didnt get anything but like 2 minutes of hail..

you oklahomians may be used to seeing sht like that...and that is why you are crazy for liviing in such a stupid spot!...but here in wi we are more normal and dont have stuff like that happen to us

Posted By: observant

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1134
RE: tornado siren

It must happen often enough for them to install tornado sirens.

Just say'in.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1132
RE: tornado siren

well there possible, and for that, it becomes required....thats what im guessing anyways...sounds about right

Posted By: log man

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1127
RE: tornado siren

let us know when you're dead.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1125
RE: tornado siren

sorry man, that was 3 hrs ago, the chances of me dying anytime soon are slim...sorry to get your hopes up lol

Posted By: James

Posted On: May 6, 2005
Views: 1120
RE: tornado siren

We even have them here in WV, no big ones thanks to the mountains. Last one I know of was two years ago.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1098
RE: tornado siren

We had a tornado here (az) a few months ago. My parents were all freaking out and prepairing for the world to end, even though my mother is from Kansas, they were like "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" Arizona gets all shaken up over stupid things, like snow...

Posted By: TK

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1090
RE: tornado siren

i f***in hate tornadoes! whenever i hear the siren, i almost have a heart attack. living in St. Louis, Missouri, fortunately, tornadoes have never hit the side of town i live on. just the other side.

still, itsa hella scary!

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1088
RE: tornado siren

TK =

Ebonics: Word, homie.

Cracker English: I agree. I understand you. I am the same.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1083
RE: tornado siren

The town of Moore, Oklahoma seems to have a tornado every year! They have been wiped out so many times. I just don't get freaked out about them anymore, because here, you hear about so many a year, that you just think, yea, they always warn you and then nothing ever happens. It kind of just gets annoying to you. I guess we are deprogrammed on the whole tornado scare thing!

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 8, 2005
Views: 1077
RE: tornado siren

so your not scared of a house being cumbled to peices on top of you? or a peice of metal, glass, or wood flying at 150mph, that could easily impale your skull, no matter what size it is?

Thats a little over the top for me. Id rather not live somewhere knowing that mother nature could whipe me, and my property, out at anytime.

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