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Post InfoTOPIC: kentucky derby
Posted By: TK

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1198
kentucky derby

congrats to Giacomo on winning the derby! good thing, too, since he was an underdog.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1197
RE: kentucky derby

people watch that?

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1195
RE: kentucky derby

Yes, and the ladies wear obnoxious hats and drink mint juleps.

Posted By: Gary

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1190
RE: kentucky derby

I eat horse meat sometimes when my uncle slaughters an old horse at his ranch. Tastes good in Tom Yung Gung soup.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1188
RE: kentucky derby

gary, where have you been

Posted By: Snrub

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1183
RE: kentucky derby

Quick someone change the subject of this thread!...Ummmm, do you think solar power will ever be a viable option?

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1181
RE: kentucky derby

gary eats horses!

Posted By: Karey

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1174
RE: kentucky derby

Solar Panels are the way of the future. Electricity is too darn expensive and our whole country is going to be filled with windmills. I drive an electric car, and I have solar panels in my house, and when I walk around town, I have a portable solar panel that is kind of like a hat that I use to charge up my scooter and my walkman. There is also a promising future for poop to be used for "gas" powered engines. I have a little monkey that runs on a treadmill which powers my hair dryer or I can hook it up to my mixer. I have a bigger monkey that runs on a larger treadmill for my washer and dryer. I can't use the monkeys for the refrigerator because the monkeys can't walk that long. Sometimes I burn trash that I find on the side of the road in a bon fire type fashion to heat water for my outdoor bathtub. I live in a warm climate so I run water from a hose into the bathtub and then at the end of the day, I just put some warmer water in there. I find 90 degrees plenty warm enough for a bath. When I am through bathing, I wash my clothes in the bathtub and then I hang them out to dry on a clothes line. I grow my own tomatoes, onions, broccoli, carrots, rabbits, which I later slaughter, chickens which I use for eggs, and slaughter some. I usually have three pigs at a time and when I run out of pork, I slaughter one of them. I have found that crickets are quite tasty when dipped in chocolate and are a nice source of protein. I grow my own herbs (including marijuana, which I sell for profit) and sell them at a local farmers market. I have bees and sell the honey and make candles with the beeswax. I make my own soap, moonshine, and rootbeer. I have managed to live like this for about 10 years now, and as of August, 2004, I have $100,000 just sitting in a bank earning interest. I manage to live on about $4000 a year. Solar panels will make a huge impact on our electric costs. My electric averaged $22.57 a month last year, mainly because they get you with taxes and minimum billing, jerks. My food costs are about $70 a month, and if I get a cow to make cheese, and milk, that could go down to about $60 a month. I have raised goats before, but I just can't stomach their milk. It has a funny odor and taste to me. The initial investment on the solar panels was well worth the cost in the end. I probably would only have $90,000 in the bank if I would not have purchased the solar panels. Fortunately, my house is only 400 square feet and faces the west. I have a small wood stove that helps with heating in the winter and I have screen windows that have flaps that open out which provide shade for the summer and keep the house warmer. I know that my way of life is not for everyone, but it works for me.

Posted By: gary

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1173
RE: kentucky derby

They're yummy! but old horse meat is a little tough so it's got to be cooked right. personally I prefer baby horse meat.

Posted By: gary

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1172
RE: kentucky derby

oh great, you posted right before me dammnit.

Posted By: Karey

Posted On: May 7, 2005
Views: 1171
RE: kentucky derby

Sorry, I meant keep the house cooler. That would not be good to have a warm house in the summer. You can also get the old produce and bread for free from the local grocers, which makes food costs for the animals almost a minimum. Thrift stores are a great way to save money. I buy candles there, re-melt them, make new candles and sell them. People waste so much money that it is ridiculous. The only reason that I have a computer is because I go to garage sales, auctions, and thrift stores and buy items which I turn around and sell on ebay. This way of life turns out to be a full time job, but I was a lawyer back in my twenties and I just hated what I had become and started studying all kinds of ways to live in society and not be a drain on it. I traded my corporate paid for Mercedes in for an electric car when I left the firm. It is amazing how much money I can save with it, especially since gas prices are so ridiculous now.

Posted By: Theo

Posted On: May 8, 2005
Views: 1164
RE: kentucky derby

so you live on $333 a month? I guess when you already have your house paid off and have plenty of time and money to buy materials and build up this eco-friendly "frugal" lifestyle, you think you have a right to take a moral high ground while the rest of us are just trying to get by and can't afford the luxury of being an environmental snob.

Posted By: Karey

Posted On: May 8, 2005
Views: 1159
RE: kentucky derby

Environmental snob? So, what title should I give you? I lived a very lucrative, wasteful life for many years, I am just trying to give back and I am keeping tight records of my activities. It may come in handy for people like you when we run out of natural resources! So Theo, what kind of gas guzzler do you drive? How much extra space do you have in your home that you are not using? How much closet space do you REALLY need? Have you ever even attempted to grow a tomato? You might find it soul-cleansing to live this type of life and there is something about harvesting that first tomato that gives one a sense of well-being.

Good luck, Theo. Start small, go buy a tomato plant today! Peace.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: May 8, 2005
Views: 1155
RE: kentucky derby

"how much space are you not using in your home"

lol if i was a millionaire..im gonna get the biggest house ever, and only use half of it, in the middle of new york city, and go throughout the country and stomp on everyones garden tomatoes so they have to buy there own! then my car will be a 85 lincoln continental that gets 3mpg, and a H2 Hummer...

then, of course, ill set fire to your house

Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff

Posted On: May 8, 2005
Views: 1151
RE: kentucky derby

And while you're out setting fire to her house, I'll be setting fire to yours.

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