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Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Nov 21, 2005
Views: 623
Raffi kicks ass

I would invite him, screw all the other bands. His songs are awesome.

Posted By: GirlUWant

Posted On: Nov 21, 2005
Views: 617
RE: Raffi kicks ass

Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea, swims so wild and swims so free...

Oats and Beans and Barley grow...Oats and Beans and Barlry grow, do you or I, or anyone know how Oats and Beans and Barley grow?

...don't forget Down by the Bay, Everything Grows, and Apples and Bananas!

I will admit to owning some Raffi about 12 years ago or so when my kids were little...

Raffi taught me that candy floss is British for cotton candy.

Posted By: Syrgot

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 594
RE: Raffi kicks ass

Baby Beluga in the Tuna Net!
He can't breathe because it is not wet!
In a can he one day will be,
and because he's a whale he'll be dolphin friendly!

Posted By: TJ

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 590
RE: Raffi kicks ass

I learned a lot about life from Raffi - don't be screwing with his songs.

