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Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1134
video of james

i found a video of james when he still had a job www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/burgerking.php

Posted By: kujo

Posted On: Nov 22, 2005
Views: 1131
RE: video of james

that's so old, a couple people already posted that saying it was james - well you're a newbie

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1125
RE: video of james

i didnt post that. the fake green (TK) did. it is stupid and was posted here a million times. i suppose next he will post a new picture of james as a kid with him bouncing around like an idiot.

Posted By: whoever

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1119
RE: video of james

so real green, where do you live?

Posted By: whoever

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1108
RE: video of james

since you claim to be the real green I think you should prove it.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1104
RE: video of james

you really are a dork TK.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1100
RE: video of james

i wonder if these are 3 people, 2 people, or just one extremely bored person with no life. i am of course refering to adam, james, or TK...

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1099
RE: video of james

oh and i live in the mountains in southern california, not that that proves anything.

Posted By: whoever

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 1092
RE: video of james

took you a while to go back and look for the original green's posts, I see. You're the dork.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 1086
RE: video of james

i was thinking you were TK but now i am not sure. you could also be adam since you think everone just spends their day here. when i saw your stupid request for where i live, i answered it. at first i wasnt going to because you are probably some crazy stalker. oh and i dont have to go ack and look for where i posted anything. all i have to do is look out the window or look at some mail. who is the dork here? oh thats right! you are. dork.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1071
RE: video of james

woah, that was the worst insult ive ever heard. of course, that might have been the point.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1069
RE: video of james

btw, i am the fake green.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1068
RE: video of james

real green, you are a dork. i keep reading your post and is gets stupider and stupider. 'ack'?!? what the hell! You check you mail for where you live. LOL!

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1065
RE: video of james

now OBVIOUSLY none of these are me because i havent posted all week

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1063
RE: video of james

no, i have been here all week

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