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Post InfoTOPIC: pixies vs green day?
Posted By: Phi

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 681
pixies vs green day?

I like Pixies a lot, but my parties are more fitted to total jumpy birthday music and all my friends are completely oblivious to most music, so I don't know if the party in general would be as excited with Pixies as with Green Day.

Also there's no The in Pixies, did anyone know that? Most people think there is, but Pixies call themselves Pixies. It's fine to say The Pixies, though.

Posted By: hate THE pixies

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 680
RE: pixies vs green day?

blow it out yer ass

Posted By: fantastic J

Posted On: Nov 23, 2005
Views: 670
RE: pixies vs green day?

Yeah, I'd agree with you on that. Pixies would have a rough crowd with my friends, but it's MY birthday, so I'm having the Pixies. (I know, drop the THE). It's just easier to say that way.

Posted By: superfly

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 659
RE: pixies vs green day?

frank black is a genius. billy joe jim bob or whatever is a fag.

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 656
RE: pixies vs green day?

is that what attracts you to him?

Posted By: superfly

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 652
RE: pixies vs green day?

oh i see, i said he's a fag meaning that i hate his music and image, and you brilliantly redirected that to imply that i actually like him beacuse he's gay. high brow stuff. your rapier-like wit cuts to the quick. don't be so mean, little theo. no one here is responsible for rudy and vanessa shooting you down. they're your sisters, man.

Posted By: phillip

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 645
RE: pixies vs green day?

"i said he's a fag meaning that i hate his music and image, and you brilliantly redirected that to imply that i actually like him beacuse he's gay."

when did "he's a fag" ever mean "i hate his music and image"?

doesn't take much brilliance to come to that conclusion that you are also a fag, what makes it worse now is your denial.

Posted By: theo

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 637
RE: pixies vs green day?

So let me get this straight. You actually tried to insult me by making a refence to characters on a TV show that ended 13 years ago? holy **** man! that has to be one of the lamest attempts at insulting i have ever seen in my life. you should have just said you are a total loser and wouldnt know funny if it crawled up your leg and bit you on your tiny penis. Maybe you should also stop eating the lye.

