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Post InfoTOPIC: i'm adam
Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 1207
i'm adam

i'm adam

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 24, 2005
Views: 1204
RE: i'm adam

and i have penis

Posted By: ****ed off

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1200
RE: i'm adam

**** you you goddamn hick. I hate all of your ****ing ****.... you simply annoy the hell out of us, why can't you juts leave and take your fatass brother with you?

Posted By: ****ed off

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1199
RE: RE: RE: RE: i'm adam


Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1197
RE: i'm adam

you are mad at my penis

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1185
RE: i'm adam

adam doesnt have a penis or a life

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1182
RE: i'm adam

now this is OBVIOUSLY not me. see the violence inherited in the system?

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1180
RE: i'm adam

that was so me. adam is a dork who has been posting as me and that is why he posts as me getting upset when i say something about him

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1178
RE: i'm adam

neither of those were you. they were me. why are you still here? everyone knows when its me and when its you.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1176
RE: i'm adam

ok enough adam/tk/whoever. stop posting as me damn it!

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1174
RE: i'm adam

very funny, impersonator. now how about you stop and get a life adam/tk/whoever.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1171
RE: i'm adam

look who is talking. i have a life. my life as green. you have only a little life. a life as a green impersonator. that is sad.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1168
RE: RE: i'm adam

look who is talking. i have a life. my life as green. you have only a little life. a life as a green impersonator. that is sad.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1167
RE: i'm adam

wow that was really clever of you

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 1165
RE: i'm adam

what isnt clever is how you keep impersonating me

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