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Post InfoTOPIC: holy ****!
Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 630
holy ****!

there is actualy somebody here, waiting for me to post and replying to it a minute later. who has this kind of time? why arent they spending it better? oh well. i think its kind of funny, really.

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 628
RE: holy ****!

holy **** there is someone here that keeps posting as me every time i do except they spell like a two year old

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 625
RE: holy ****!

this thread has james written all over it..."actualy" and the "holy ****" ...he never tries to get around the censor

Posted By: green

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 623
RE: holy ****!

all the fake green posts could also be you. i think you spell wrong a lot too. and you dont have a life so you would have time to sit here and torture me.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 621
RE: holy ****!

lately ive been working and sleeping alot...i get a 4 day weekend and slept til about 3 o clock...ive been drinking already today but ive been amusing myself in command & conquer since i woke up

Posted By: James

Posted On: Nov 25, 2005
Views: 609
RE: holy ****!

Fuck you adam. I'd like to think my spelling has improved exponentially in the last few months.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 26, 2005
Views: 598
RE: holy ****!

you have two speling errors in that.

Posted By: adam

Posted On: Nov 26, 2005
Views: 591
RE: holy ****!

lol there is no spelling erros, but im sure he got help from his dead grandmother whom he still takes care of..oh, and a dictionary

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