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Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 13, 2001
Views: 1193

After meeting you at the ICF Conference, I knew I needed to do something about a web page. You have a great web site and I want one too.

Posted By:

Posted On: Jun 26, 2001
Views: 1191

What a cool idea. I want to discuss this more after the summer.

Posted By:

Posted On: Apr 11, 2001
Views: 1184

If the technology tips are any indication of what I could learn and do, I am very interested. Can I still get the March rates? Roberta, I will send you an email to discuss.

Posted By:

Posted On: Jan 10, 2001
Views: 1182

I really am enjoying your technolgy tips and promise to call about getting on the program

Posted By:

Posted On: Nov 22, 2000
Views: 1167

Great presentation

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 31, 2000
Views: 1145

It would help if you had a place to say: Great idea -I am interested *AND* I will tell others...just a thought. Great job!

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 5, 2000
Views: 1143

As always Roberta you have new and interesting ideas and plans to put them in place. I am interested personally for the future...just not at present. Good luck and I will definitely tell others. Also loved your "connect to a real person" Ann

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 4, 2000
Views: 1136

Go girl! I'm proud of you!

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 3, 2000
Views: 1127

I meant to hit "a great idea, I will tell others!" Sorry !

Posted By:

Posted On: Oct 3, 2000
Views: 1114

Nice graph! I got a message when I first logged on concerning MRJ version 2.0, whatever that means! but I couldnavigate the whole site anyway. So, as with everything else, getting your message out to others is the main drag.Good Luck. D

Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 26, 2000
Views: 1113

Congratulations on this idea!

Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 21, 2000
Views: 1081

a brilliant mix of capabilities that match my deficiencies. . Lets do it!

Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 21, 2000
Views: 1066

check first para. form is instead of "from" tead of from

Posted By:

Posted On: Sep 20, 2000
Views: 1046

I think this is extremely good, Roberta! Glad to see you are doing this. With your background and interest in this area, it makes perfect sense!


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