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Posted By: pam

Posted On: Nov 7, 2008
Views: 1796
Where's the Support?

I work in a mall. Have for the past seventeen years. When a Bath & Body shop moved up four store fronts from my store I have been sick since that time. The Oil burners that they had the first year/grand reopening would billow smoke from being unattended and the oil burning down putting a cloud of smoke in the air trailing down into my store along with remenants of the frangrance. To my shock when I approached the mall management to help me I was treated like a kook and dismissed. They finally removed the burners company wide from all the complaints but now the manager sprays the store so heavy with all the different fragrances it has sent me home so sick with hours of dry heaving from all the absorbsion. I never thought I would be sensitive and I understand there is no empathy out there for people who get sick. All I have ever wanted is moderation. If we have all these laws against second hand smoke and care so much about the air we breathe why isn't there any support for us who physically get sick from fragrances? I am not advocating a ban of perfumes but I do feel in public areas and work places there should be regulations against overwhelming chemical based fragrances. If perfume and fragrance is a personal choice let me have the choice to not breathe it...keep it personal and to yourself within an intimate distance. Give me the chance to step away and put some distance between us. When you over spray yourself or the air in such concentrations you cannot get away from it. Why is this so hard for people to understand..why is there such disrespect for people that are not subjecting discomfort on anyone? I wish I was not sensitive, I would not wish this upon anyone. But I am having difficulty understanding the lack of understanding. I feel assaulted every day at work just trying to make a living with headaches, nausea and depending on the mixtures they decided to spray that day, all sorts of reactions including my throat closing up. If that is the price people have to pay for you to have a sexy it really fair? You should feel good about yourself regardless of what you are spraying on yourself or in the air.

Posted By: Not to offend you

Posted On: Apr 2, 2004
Views: 2367

I just developed a problem with sensitivities to scented products - I knew before then that some perfumes/colognes could cause headaches and such to others, but until a few years ago when I was hospitalized due to a severe attack I would have never thought that even a scent I was wearing could make another so sick until it happened to me. Yes, people have rights to wear what they choose, but if you could feel the pain or how sick it can make someone, sometimes for days, would you not feel better knowing that you helped them by not wearing it or maybe even a little less? To put it another way, would you sneak a peanut in someone's food knowing that it could trigger a terrible alergic reaction? There are no pills that cure my illness only the compassion of others that help me get through a day without pain. Thanks to those of you who understand - you have no idea what it means to me.

Posted By: Jenny

Posted On: Aug 19, 2003
Views: 2409
Perfume ban

I too resent the fact that some ignorant people are claiming it's 'our' problem. Once they linked smoking to cancer everyone became so aware and frightened of the effects of second hand smoke and ended up taking steps to resolve the issue of people being exposed in public settings. Today more and more people are slowly becoming more sensitive and allergic to perfumes and other dangerous petrochemicals in our society. People can wear what they want to-- as long as it's not affecting or jeopardizing the health of others and perfume is definitely one thing that does affect other people's health drastically. Some people might want to walk around with a gun, but that's unsafe for everyone else so it's not allowed. Some people want to smoke in public settings because it makes them feel good, but it's jeopardizing people's health and it has been banned too. Perfume is also something that jeopardizes people's health. A perfume ban would help many people who suffer from allergies/sensitivities tremendously. Unfortunately there are so many other products out there on the market today that cause health problems and reactions for people that should also be changed or monitored-- but hopefully that might come with time. But any step or change towards eliminating sources of toxic chemicals in the environment is a positive don't tell people that perfume is 'their' problem. Because of you perfume wearers, perfume is many people's problem and continues to be a hazard to their health. You're ruining someone's health, well-being, and peace of mind just because you want to 'smell' good -- how utterly selfish and pathetic. Think about that...

Posted By: Jenny

Posted On: Aug 19, 2003
Views: 2408
Perfume ban

They've banned smoking, so why not perfume use. People don't have a choice whether or not they want to be exposed to these things when people are wearing them in public-- so unfortunately they end up being exposed to them, and for many of us, this causes serious health problems. Why should we be subjected to these noxious odors and fumes which are not only poisonous, but which ruin our health and lives. I have had to return items at stores because the stupid associates have perfume all over their hands and end up getting it over everything they touch when ringing the items up. Even recently, one employee at a store kept leaning on the product I was buying, and constantly touching it. Then when I took it to my car, the perfume odors were everywhere and are still everywhere in my car. They got in my house now and I don't know what to do -- they're making me sick. I can't even buy items now without them smelling strongly of perfume after they were in my car. People need to wake up and start realizing what all these dangerous chemicals and fumes are doing to our bodies lives and environment. Perfumes are supposedly accepted and adored by our society--and those who are allergic or sensitive to them aren't. It's a ridiculous struggle but overall, something needs to be done about it. It would definitely be safer for the environment and people's health overall, but would be a dream for those with sensitivities. Why should people with sensitivities be unable to function in society just because people want to wear perfumes. It's as much our right to not want to be exposed to those perfumes as it is people who want to wear them. Something has to be done about it--just liek smoking-- perfume use should be limited to private residences, and private events. Or at least, hospitals, restaurants, stores and other places or at least their employees should have no-scent policies. I've even been to fast-food drive thrus where the drink cups smelled strongly of perfume because the stupid employees there just had to be wearing it. If perfume can't be banned in public places completely (though it should) then at least those who are handling people's items or taking care of them shouldn't be allowed to wear it.

Posted By: DW

Posted On: May 8, 2003
Views: 2411

Oh yes,

I forgot to mention that we would gladly take our medicine that would help us feel better as you mention, cure us or even help the symptoms but to date people with your very type of opinions have help to underestimate this illness and these types of people have blocked major research. Whats the matter can people NOT deal with the reality??? That is what all of you want us to do??? Come share our reality and see how it suits you! Bet you would be advocating change as well.

I do say again that if it were you or a loved one you WOULD CHANGE YOUR MIND!! I guarantee it!!

It would be awesome for you to research how the people who are Chemically Sensitive have to live, ie... in their cars, tents, outdoors, in ceramic rooms, houses with them totally gutted with just concrete floors and aluminum foil over everything else. People reacting to foods, clothing, everything around them...can you start to imagine?????? I still think you can't!

Read some materials and then see how lucky you STILL are and I pray to God you realize That VERY DAY how blessed you are , and that you start to make smarter choices for you and your families and hopefully people like us!


Posted By: DW

Posted On: May 8, 2003
Views: 2408
To Ban or Not- TOTALLY!

Although I agree that perfume could be a wonderful thing, smell wise because scent is a strong sense and is very soothing; but not if you do your homework and KNOW what is in it and what it does to you as it is made right now.

I do NOT agree with the comments in which you and others are saying that it is OUR problem, to go get medicine etc. What you fail to realize is that these types of assaults make us sicker and destroy our lives. We no longer can live a normal life because of these types of things.

It is not only us...but maybe someday you or one of your loved ones. Then I am SURE Your opinions would change drastically!!! How would you like to watch your loved one transform from a normal person to a sickly person in which everything makes them ill, air, food water their environment you name it.

Then how about as a mom you have to WATCH your children play outside as you cannot go out. You CANNOT even IMAGINE- not for one second the HELL one must go through unless you live this!

So I would think people would be smart enough to try and learn from our problem and accept that it is a REALITY and one that you too can share if you keep making BAD decisions and standing on your soap box fighting for a bad choice such as the right to use perfume and supporting the chemical industry.

You could surely spend your time on a much better thing like how to improve environmental conditions and how to facilitate changes that will be healthy for you, your family, friends and humanity. Thank you for your opinion here, but I have to say you have ALLOT to learn!

It would be wise to learn it ASAP!!


Posted By: Kari

Posted On: Mar 26, 2003
Views: 2408

I think people have their own rights to wearing what they want. If they want to wear perfume they can. If you have a problem with others wearing perfume then maybe you should figure out how to solve it yourself. You should just wear something over your nose and mouth to not be able to smell it. It is not your right to tell other people what they can wear and what they can't. If they want to smell good and give themselves allergies, dermatitis, asthma, and much more harm to their body, then let them. It is their choice. Even though I hate it when people wear too much perfume or cologne, I will just plug my nose and not smell it. I like perfume, and I wear it, I just don't want it to be banned because then too many people will be unhappy.

Posted By: ashley

Posted On: Mar 26, 2003
Views: 2408
perfume or not

i think we should be aloud to use perfume in public...... i mean it isnt everyone that has problems from it and it isnt my fault they do so dont pentalize me for the others "disability". i think they should get some kind of medication to help them it isnt everyone elses fault they get sick so dont take perfume away! :)

Posted By: carole byrd

Posted On: Mar 25, 2003
Views: 2410

It is very painful when people wear perfume. For me, it is migraine headache, others sneeze, wheeze. Perfumes used to be made out of flower essences,alcohol. Now they are made in chemistry labs and we are being poisoned by chemical FUMES.
When I worked in retail sales, I would have to leave the store and go outside after a customer with perfume came in. Even after they left, the fumes were left there. It has nothing to do with how it "smells". It is not the smell, it is the fumes. Yrs, ago people drew closer to try to get a small hint of your perfume. Now we run away from people who wear perfume.

Posted By: D'

Posted On: Oct 24, 2002
Views: 2278
To Perfume or Not!

People need to realize all the harmful chemicals in perfume. They are need to realize that people who are chemically sensitive are make sicker by perfume. It is not the fact that we dislike the smell or want to dictate what people do- but by wearing perfume you are truly harming yours and other people's health.


The Voice of MCS