Hotel Poll
What's the most worst thing about hotels? [1027 votes total]

Phone ripoff (45)
Constant tipping (51)
Parking ripoff (28)
Room service 'extra' tip (17)
Mini-bar ripoff (131)
Laundry ridiculousness (11)
Pay-per-view charges (26)
Not enough stuff in the bathrooms (30)
Taxes (43)
The bedspread is gross (324)
The remote control dead batteries (16)
Too noisy (34)
Afraid about getting murdered (12)
Afraid someone was recently murdered in your room (23)
Worried about hidden cameras (45)
Scared of the toilet (11)
Afraid of the shower (13)
Ghosts (8)
Jerky kids running up and down the hallways (93)
Whatever. Hotel schmotell holiday inn! (66)

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