Which thing makes you feel most germphobic? [1221 votes total]
Hotel bedspread (114) |
9% |
Shaking hands (13) |
1% |
Public toiletseats (247) |
20% |
Doorknobs (29) |
2% |
Kids with colds (111) |
9% |
Deli sandwich made without plastic gloves (55) |
5% |
Mysterious moisture (106) |
9% |
Sex (13) |
1% |
Dogs or cats (5) |
Hospitals (20) |
2% |
Porn shops (31) |
3% |
Toilet flush handles (308) |
25% |
Being near a sneeze fit (40) |
3% |
Money/Coins (18) |
1% |
Pigeons (18) |
1% |
Whatever! Bring on the germs! (71) |
6% |
This poll is gross. (22) |
2% |