New Day Poll
We need a new day. Like Tuesday's Recipes and Thursday's Thieves. What do you want the day to be about? [730 votes total]

What's most annoying about men/women (52)
Haikus about things that live in a swamp (27)
First time stories (stories about your first time with anything) (102)
Fight or Argument (most recent fight) (28)
Favorite Eats (favorite local place to eat) (52)
Favorite Toy (what was your favorite toy as a kid?) (33)
Coincidence or Deja Vus (39)
Sports Moment (most memorable sports moment. personal or professional) (9)
Social Embarrassments (197)
Dumb Dog/Cat Stories (59)
Bridezilla Stories (16)
New Word (make up a new word w/ definition. sniglety.) (47)
Random link to random site (32)
Whatever. Who gives a turd? Not me for one. (25)
None of the above. I'll post an idea on the next page. FU. (12)

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