The 341 - what's wrong with the Medical Examiner's office?
... of course you (probably) don't work there, but what do you suspect is going on? [48 votes total]

Incompetent leadership (4)
Incompetent staff (4)
Political conspiracy to reduce the murder numbers (20)
Staff not getting enough information from police (11)
Baltimore murderers are skilled at covering their tracks (1)
Nothing... Baltimoreans just have a talent for dying in mysterious ways (8)

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Posted By: Septer

Posted On: Nov 17, 2006
Views: 1810
M.E. Problems

Take a good long look at the top dog.A ****ty leader will make the entire dept work against itself.

Posted By: Emptyman

Posted On: Nov 16, 2006
Views: 1825
City ME's office

I handled enough killings on behalf of both the State and private clients to know that it's just sheer, blatant, unmitigated incompetence. If a City ME told me the sun rose in the East, I'd stick my head out the window to double check.

Posted By: HH1

Posted On: Nov 14, 2006
Views: 1851
A conspiracy, NOT!

Definitely NOT a conspiracy... there are too many people involved over too long a time period and a lack of whistle-blowers.

For comparison, try to dig up a known actual conspiracy that had a similar number of people/departments involved, occurred over ~5 years, and had no whistle-blowers. I can't think of one, so I doubt this is a conspiracy.