Overdue Chore Poll
Which overdue chore/things are overdue for you? (Multiple choice) [3545 votes total]

Cleaning the fridge spotless (396)
Ripping all your CDs (197)
Painting walls (200)
Backing up your computer (332)
Cleaning out the garage (195)
Having a yard sale (130)
Doing yard work/gardening stuff (192)
Cleaning the windows (280)
Organizing finances or credit cards (249)
Doing the floors (276)
Getting the tattoo removed (27)
Putting stuff on ebay (158)
Throwing out old porn (72)
Flipping the mattress (196)
Sewing buttons (124)
Buying a wedding gift (45)
Hooking up electronics/wires properly (135)
Calling the place to argue the thing (195)
None of the above! Screw all that! (49)
Doing stuff is stupid!!! (97)

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