Street Walker Poll
Which are the top three most annoying things on the street? [2746 votes total]

Slow walkers (357)
Spitters (232)
Cigarette flickers (162)
Kids (83)
People who make out (66)
Beggers (246)
Charity accosters (192)
Starbuck strollers (26)
Baby strollers (61)
Creepy stare guys (91)
Bicyclists on the sidewalk (78)
People who don't control their dogs (115)
Drug dealers (93)
People who are badly affected by fashion (32)
Crazed biting monkeys (102)
Litterers (151)
Loud music players (62)
Shoulder bumpers (104)
Sloppy eaters (20)
Dude peeing (188)
Whistlers (15)
People who look too happy (35)
Drunk barfer (152)
Aggressive hookers (69)
This poll is the most annoying (10)
None of the above (4)

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