Do More Poll
What should you do more? (multiple choice) [2519 votes total]

Floss (235)
Defrag (65)
Spend time with kids (19)
Exercise (306)
Cook at home (118)
Change the sheets (142)
Shower (39)
Laundry (75)
Key cars (13)
Go to the movies (74)
Read (158)
Backup stuff (105)
Call old friends (152)
Steal (12)
Play with self (34)
Video tape stuff (31)
Yell at people (27)
Look for a new job (110)
Get to the ocean (111)
Pay attention to my cats (33)
Go to concerts (99)
Learn new things (144)
Capture ghosts (26)
Go to therapy (56)
Believe in self (145)
Believe in others (71)
Believe in the world (75)
Whatever. This poll is awful! FU! (8)
Yeah FU! (23)
Pass. (13)

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