Pick THREE Presidential alternatives you'd like to see voted into office! [1075 votes total]
Aimee Mann (10) |
1% |
Radiohead (41) |
4% |
George Clooney (60) |
6% |
Angelina Jolie (41) |
4% |
Jennifer Aniston (11) |
1% |
Flo Rida (9) |
1% |
Moe Syzlak (34) |
3% |
Ron Paul (68) |
6% |
Andy Dick (17) |
2% |
Rihanna (2) |
Whatsherface from The Hills (7) |
1% |
Glor the Rocketmonster (10) |
1% |
Peter Gabriel (31) |
3% |
Your old D&D character (36) |
3% |
GG Allin's smelly skeleton (10) |
1% |
Jewel (7) |
1% |
Rainbow Brite (28) |
3% |
Vanity Smurf (24) |
2% |
Ralph Nader (72) |
7% |
Bill Gates (87) |
8% |
Jim Carrey (53) |
5% |
Larry David (48) |
4% |
Oprah (71) |
7% |
Simon Cowell (21) |
2% |
Turtle (22) |
2% |
Bono (70) |
7% |
Dennis Kucinich (56) |
5% |
Bonerman (24) |
2% |
This is the worst poll ever. (57) |
5% |
Presidents suck! (48) |
4% |