Presidential Alternatives
Pick THREE Presidential alternatives you'd like to see voted into office! [1075 votes total]

Aimee Mann (10)
Radiohead (41)
George Clooney (60)
Angelina Jolie (41)
Jennifer Aniston (11)
Flo Rida (9)
Moe Syzlak (34)
Ron Paul (68)
Andy Dick (17)
Rihanna (2)
Whatsherface from The Hills (7)
Glor the Rocketmonster (10)
Peter Gabriel (31)
Your old D&D character (36)
GG Allin's smelly skeleton (10)
Jewel (7)
Rainbow Brite (28)
Vanity Smurf (24)
Ralph Nader (72)
Bill Gates (87)
Jim Carrey (53)
Larry David (48)
Oprah (71)
Simon Cowell (21)
Turtle (22)
Bono (70)
Dennis Kucinich (56)
Bonerman (24)
This is the worst poll ever. (57)
Presidents suck! (48)

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