6 month Poll
Where would you most wanna spend six months? [1001 votes total]

Studying monkeys in Africa (51)
On the International Space Station (78)
In Paris working in a bakery (113)
In Alaska doing wilderness stuff (69)
Living in an apartment in Manhattan (145)
In Barcelona working on a vineyard (91)
In Jamaica living in a cool hut on the beach (187)
Working as George Clooney's assistant (27)
Working as Angelina Jolie's assistant (32)
Working on the set of James Cameron's next movie (25)
Working as a porn movie cameraman (39)
Living on the South Pole studying the ice (24)
Teaching English in China (24)
Right where I am is fine thanks (64)
This poll sucks. Doing things sucks. (13)
Whatever. (19)

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