Most Like Poll
Which of these were are you most like? (Pick one per category) [1607 votes total]

Bender (52)
Claire (43)
Andrew (28)
Brian (53)
Allison (Ally Sheedy) (58)
Vernon (10)
Mayo (55)
Ketchup (53)
Mustard (57)
Salsa (47)
Relish (11)
Hot Sauce (41)
SUV (45)
Sports car (40)
Station wagon (23)
Economy car (58)
Luxury car (32)
Classic car (60)
Cat (89)
Dog (114)
Lion (17)
Bird (14)
Mouse (6)
Giraffe (15)
Fiction (102)
Biography (33)
Sci-Fi (51)
Romance (5)
Literary (34)
Horror (20)
Children's book (12)
Funky (72)
Foolish (21)
Freaky (40)
Flip (12)
Frazzled (31)
Fantastic (43)
Fun (36)
Whatever. This poll sucks. (37)
Yawn. Pass. (37)

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