Fanning the Fire of Fandom
Choose the two you like best! [17 votes total]

MAL: Juggling geese. Nekked? JAYNE: Gorram, why'd it have to be Wash. Got skills though. (3)
Jayne was surprised to see Mal use the polite "pinky out" method of pushing the fan aside. Personally, he'd have used a gun. (3)
JAYNE: god's balls!!! MAL: You boys mind explaining why you got a larger-than-life, pink octopus makin' friends with the locals here. (2)
The boys had managed to get into the party disguised as companions, but once Mal started to nervously perform a poorly executed fan dance, Jayne knew the game was up. (3)
In the year 3000! In the year 3000! Conan O Brien leaves NBC to become the face of Fruity Oaty bar commercials. Elsewhere, Mal is stunned when River screams "keep cool my babies", before mounting the table. (1)
MAL: Umm.... Jayne? FANTY(OS): Do you know that girl? MAL: Yeah... that would be Kaylee. ...and thats not running on batteries. JAYNE: Mighty quick twixt fix. (5)

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