Don't dis the dino!
Choose your TWO favorite captions! [21 votes total]

Wash: "A long time ago he sold car insurance." (1)
WASH: [sarcastically] Oh, yes. He's a real beast! It's a wonder you're still alive. JAYNE: Looked bigger when I couldn't see 'im. (4)
WASH: Five bullies came for my lunch money. The best of them carried this. (9)
Wash: Go on, kiss and make up. (1)
WASH: Talk to the Dinosaur, 'cause the face ain't listening! (0)
Wash: "I'm on the scene with the mastermind behind yet another failed smuggling run; tell me, how does this make you feel?" (Holds out dino-toy) Man: "Wash, don't make me hurt you." (1)
WASH: Merchandising, merchandising! Where the real money from the movie is made! (Presses T-Rex belly) "Ha ha Ha! Mine is an evil laugh... Now die!" The kids will love this one! (3)
Wash: Reach for the sky, dirtbag! (2)

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