Which 4 of these themes would you like to be included in the final 7 alternate themes for YCW 2k14 (please choose a max of 10)? (` and * are mod favourites. If it says 'or', only pick one of the synonyms.) [230 votes total]
Abreaction (purging of emotional tensions) (2) |
1% |
Alabaster (3) |
1% |
Ardour (passion; heat; zeal) (3) |
1% |
Argent (silver) (5) |
2% |
Awaken (6) |
3% |
Azure (sky blue) (3) |
1% |
Bittersweet (2010) (5) |
2% |
`Blithe (happy/joyous; carefree/lighthearted) (2) |
1% |
Blue Rose (symbol of impossibility) (2013) (3) |
1% |
Burden (3) |
1% |
Cacophony (2) |
1% |
Celestial (heavenly) (5) |
2% |
Challenge (2) |
1% |
Clandestine (secret) (2) |
1% |
Contradictions (3) |
1% |
Crystalline (4) |
2% |
Cursed (6) |
3% |
Dance (5) |
2% |
Demon (3) |
1% |
Dream Walker (2013) (2) |
1% |
Drowning Lotus (named after the doujin) (0) |
`Dulcet (sweet sounding; pleasing to the ear; melodious) (2) |
1% |
or Euphonic (agreeable sound; pleasing to the ear) (1) |
Eccedentesiast (someone who fakes a smile) (3) |
1% |
Echo (4) |
2% |
Eigengrau (intrinsic gray, aka Eigenlicht (intrinsic light); "dark light" or "brain gray"; visual noise; is a term for the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light) (1) |
Eternity (3) |
1% |
Ethereal (insubstantial, supernatural, delicate, spiritual) (0) |
Euphemy (0) |
Firelight (3) |
1% |
Folie à deux (madness shared by two) (7) |
3% |
Fox's Rain (sunshower; rain while the sun is shining) (3) |
1% |
Harlequin (4) |
2% |
Heart (1) |
Hidden (0) |
Illusion (2) |
1% |
Imperfection (5) |
2% |
Impromptu (without preparation; improvised; spur of the moment) (2) |
1% |
Induratize (to make one's own heart hardened or resistant to someone's pleas/advances, or to the idea of love) (1) |
Intangible (1) |
`Kaleidoscope (4) |
2% |
`l’esprit d’escalier (lit. “the spirit of the staircase" / "the staircase wit”; the feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said) (5) |
2% |
La douleur exquise (the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable) (3) |
1% |
Lachrymose (tearful; inducing tears) (3) |
1% |
Lethe (a river in the Greek underworld that when drunk from, made souls forget the sufferings of life; oblivion or something to make you enter oblivion and forget) (7) |
3% |
Letting Go (2) |
1% |
Liar (5) |
2% |
Lítost (regret; remorse; repentence; sorrow) (1) |
Lost (2) |
1% |
Lullaby (6) |
3% |
Magical (1) |
Majestic (0) |
Masquerade (5) |
2% |
Mercurial/Quicksilver (quick and changing) (1) |
Mirror (2011) (0) |
Nepenthe (something that can make you forget grief or suffering) (1) |
Nightmare (3) |
1% |
Overcome (0) |
Philophobia (fear of falling in love) (5) |
2% |
`Portrait (e.g. of Dorian Grey) (2) |
1% |
Pride (2011) (2) |
1% |
`Psyche (the totality of the human mind, concious, and unconcious) (0) |
Reflection (2011) (2) |
1% |
`Reverie (daydream) (2) |
1% |
Rewind (2) |
1% |
Rhapsody (3) |
1% |
Saccharine (sweet; overly sentimental) (1) |
Sacrifice (2) |
1% |
Seraphic (having a sweet nature befitting an angel/cherub; relating to an angel of the first order) (3) |
1% |
Serein (the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night; evening serenity) (5) |
2% |
Shelter (2012) (1) |
Sky (2) |
1% |
Smile (1) |
Solivagant (wandering alone) (0) |
Solstice (4) |
2% |
Soul (1) |
Tainted (4) |
2% |
Timeless (3) |
1% |
Tranquility (2) |
1% |
Vagabond (wanderer without permanent home) (5) |
2% |
or Vagrant (wanderer without permanent home) (1) |
Vivid (1) |
Wanderlust (strong longing and desire to travel) (2) |
1% |
Wings (8) |
3% |
`Xerophthalmia (disease where one is inable to cry) (2) |
1% |
Zenith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenith) (3) |
1% |