Which skills / knowledge areas do you currently have, and which do you want to add or improve? [27815 votes total]
Apache Spark (262) |
1% |
Big Data Tools other than Hadoop or Spark (150) |
1% |
Communications Skills (1071) |
4% |
Critical Thinking (1084) |
4% |
Data Visualization (1133) |
4% |
Deep Learning (424) |
2% |
ETL - Data Preparation (782) |
3% |
Excel (1074) |
4% |
Hadoop (177) |
1% |
Java (240) |
1% |
Kaggle (235) |
1% |
Machine Learning (1038) |
4% |
Math (846) |
3% |
NLP - Text Processing (419) |
2% |
No-SQL Databases (226) |
1% |
Python (1155) |
4% |
PyTorch (118) |
R (726) |
3% |
SAS (203) |
1% |
Scala (69) |
scikit-learn (707) |
3% |
Software Engineering (411) |
1% |
SQL/Database Coding (919) |
3% |
Statistics (1030) |
4% |
TensorFlow (339) |
1% |
Unstructured Data (361) |
1% |
XGBoost (364) |
1% |
Which skills do you want to add or improve? Apache Spark (540) |
2% |
Big Data Tools other than Hadoop or Spark (434) |
2% |
Business Understanding (354) |
1% |
Communications Skills (265) |
1% |
Critical Thinking (249) |
1% |
Data Visualization (407) |
1% |
Deep Learning (784) |
3% |
ETL - Data Preparation (229) |
1% |
Excel (81) |
Hadoop (358) |
1% |
Java (127) |
Kaggle (291) |
1% |
Machine Learning (660) |
2% |
Math (280) |
1% |
NLP - Text Processing (537) |
2% |
No-SQL Databases (371) |
1% |
Python (626) |
2% |
PyTorch (473) |
2% |
R (326) |
1% |
SAS (117) |
Scala (213) |
1% |
scikit-learn (382) |
1% |
Software Engineering (244) |
1% |
SQL/Database Coding (269) |
1% |
Statistics (450) |
2% |
TensorFlow (731) |
3% |
Unstructured Data (462) |
2% |
XGBoost (299) |
1% |
What is your employment type? Industry/Self-employed (1069) |
4% |
Government/non-profit (123) |
Academia/University (158) |
1% |
Student (246) |
1% |
Other or unemployed (97) |