Gay Sexual Practices - Males who are still virgins in gay sex
Not every gay man does everything we know about or read about. Anonymously please tell me if you would CHOOSE to participate in the following. Please tick ALL that apply [7890 votes total]

Anal Penetration OF your partner (532)
Anal Penetration BY your partner (503)
Giving Oral penile pleasure (648)
Receiving Oral penile pleasure (648)
Rimming (licking/penetrating with your tongue) the anus of your partner (278)
Being rimmed (391)
Stimluating your partner's prostate with one or more fingers (478)
Receving finger stimulation of your prostate (497)
Fisting your partner (the entire hand) (73)
Being fisted by your partner (70)
Giving manual penile stimulation to your partner (630)
Receivng manual penile stimulation from your partner (621)
Giving deliberate pain to your partner (65)
Choosing to receive deliberate pain from your partner (76)
Tying your partner up (164)
Being tied up by your partner (193)
Having more than one simultaneous partner (231)
Anal penetration of your partner with (eg) dildos (268)
Anal penetration by your partner with (eg) dildos (278)
I am planning to be in a stable monogamous relationship (339)
I am not promiscuous, but not planning to be monogamous either (151)
I am certain that I am or will be promiscuous (42)
I am 12 years or younger (21)
I am 13-18 (317)
I am 19-25 (165)
I am 26-30 (21)
I am 31-40 (53)
I am 41-50 (49)
I am 51-60 (42)
I am over 61 but by no mean past it! (46)

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