Divinity School Rankings
What are the top ten divinity/theology graduate schools? [1336 votes total]

Duke Divinity School (133)
Yale University Divinity School (127)
Harvard Divinity School (121)
Princeton Theological Seminary (120)
The University of Chicago Divinity School (93)
Candler School of Theology at Emory University (83)
Fuller Theological Seminary (76)
Vanderbilt University Divinity School (71)
Union Theological Seminary (68)
The University of Notre Dame Theology Department (63)
Dallas Theological Seminary (41)
Claremont School of Theology (35)
Boston University School of Theology (34)
The Divinity School at Wake Forest University (33)
Asbury Theological Seminary (33)
Graduate Theological Union (30)
Boston College Department of Theology (30)
Garrett-Evangelical Seminary (29)
Drew University Theological School (29)
Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University (24)
The Catholic University of America Department of Theology (15)
Oral Roberts University School of Theology and Missions (14)
Andover Newton Theological School (14)
Catholic Theological Union (12)
The University of the South School of Theology (8)

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